1. Whats keeping you busy atm?

 Aside from eating Jaffa cakes and chicken, work!

I'm DJ'ing a lot at the moment, I've also got my breakfast show on radar radio which is so fun and I'm on shoots near enough every day!


2. Describe your style in three words

Random, expressive, dgaf.


3. If you could raid someones wardrobe, whose would it be?

 Scary Spice back in the 90's duh


4. Favourite Skinnydip item?

My iridescent bum bag and phone case!


5. Favourite piece of clothing you couldn’t live without?

Cute little bralette tops! I have such a huge collection!


6. Best fashion find…

 A huge gothic leather jacket that I got for £12


8. If you could go back in time, which decade would you hit up?

 80's 100%


9. Before you started this Q&A what were you doing?

Trying to hustle some tickets for Lovebox this weekend LOL!


 10. If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?

 Vaseline, chicken and a blanket!

