Can’t make it to Pride this year? Well fear not because we’ve summarised the top 5 must-see cities that celebrate Pride bigger and better than anyone else! Get ready to put these straight to the top of your bucket list and join our #HATESUCKS movement in style in one of these incredible cities.
Amsterdam Gay Pride, Saturday 28th July – Sunday 5th August.
Famous for their iconic stretches of water, Pride in the Dam takes to the canal for a 4-hour long party. Several boats and vessels are invited to give their ships a Ru Paul style make-over to celebrate Pride in style in the bright Dutch sunshine. A seriously colourful and iconic affair, this is defo something you need to see in your lifetime, being an experience like no other.
The March, Sunday 24th June – Sunday 25th June, New York.
The Big Apple is famous for many things but celebrating Pride along the streets of New York is rapidly working its way up to the top of that list! Known as the birthplace for the LGBTQ movements, the people of New York take to the streets with over 110 floats making their way down in celebration. Oh and obvs they light up the iconic Empire State Building in rainbow colours just to be extra fabulous!
Sao Paulo Pride Festival, Sunday 3rd June, Brazil.
Known as the largest Gay Pride festival in the world, Brazil isn’t shy when it comes to hosting a party and making a statement, take Rio Carnival as a shining example of how bright and colourful their parties can be! What we love about their celebrations is the message behind their themes, and with this year’s being no exception, the theme is all about the importance of electing the right people into power, to influence the upcoming Brazilian elections. "We cannot lose what we have achieved to political ignorance. Together we can promote a more tolerant and respectful world with less LGBT phobia." Claudia Regina – President of the Gay Rights Group.
Pride in London Parade, Saturday 7th July, London.
London is renowned for their amazing Pride celebrations, and this year they’re expressing the importance behind the message ‘We’ve come a long way, but there’s still a long way to go’, talking about the results from the 2018 Pride Matters report. 1 in 3 LGBT+ people have been verbally abused because of their identity, sexuality or gender, and over three-quarters of LGBT+ people don’t feel comfortable showing affection to a partner in public. The war is not yet won, and we’ll be celebrating this with our own float through the streets of London campaigning for more love and less hate because #HATESUCKS.
Madrid Gay Pride, Saturday 7th July, Madrid.
Ranking as the second biggest LGBTQ party in Europe, Madrid is a must-see when it comes down to celebrating Pride properly. With a strong history in supporting Gay Rights, being the third country to legalise gay marriage in 2005, celebrations in Madrid over Pride month are said to be electric. Luckily, with rain highly unlikely during this time of year, huge water fights are often expected along with a whole host of fun events for all the family!
Also did you know that Pride celebrations all around the world are run by lots of amazing volunteers? Pride needs our help in more ways than one so do something amazing and sign yourself up to help out with future LGBT events using the links below.