What is #HATESUCKS we hear you ask? Becoming a fundamental part of our Skinnydip ethos and agenda, #HATESUCKS is all about spreading love, positivity and eliminating hate and that’s why we love celebrating Pride so much. It’s so important that we all use our voice without fear of judgement and prejudice, and that’s why we’re levelling up this year and taking to the streets of London with our very own Pride Float, using our voice loud and proud.
Alongside our float, we’ll also be hosting a Pride Party in our Carnaby Street store. We’re talking rainbow doughnuts, glitter face paint, some good tunes and a whole lotta of good times. So don’t forget to pop in and say hello!
We’re on a mission to banish all negative vibes, and over the last two years, we’ve been working with the incredible Stonewall charity, whose main priorities are so important when it comes down to remembering what Pride is really all about…
To empower individuals
To transform institutions
To change hearts and minds
To change laws
Founded in 1989, Stonewall continue to play a key part in making the world a much more equal place, providing a sanctuary for anyone seeking advice so they can find all the information they need with ease. From coming out to hate crime and partnership rights, Stonewall covers it all and that’s why it’s so important to donate to this incredible charity so they can continue to make the world a much better, brighter and more equal place.
If you ever feel like you need an outlet to vent or have any questions, Stonewall is here for you with open arms, as a constant reminder that you are not alone.
We’ve got your back babes! #HATESUCKS