Get to know the beautiful faces behind our #Models1xSkinnydip search, we caught up with some of the Models 1 gang behind the scenes to get some tips on living the model life. Meet Emma Laird, vegan, environmentalist and northern beauty - you might have spotted her rocking our Pink Fluffy Case! There's still time to enter our search for your chance to be signed by Models 1 and star in our AW17 campaign, just hashtag your selfie with #Models1xSkinnydip



Model Life IRL: Tips to keep going on those long shoot days? 

For me its eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep. That sounds super boring but I just feel tired if I eat bad and have to work long days! 

That pink glittery eyeshadow looks AMAZE on you, are you gonna be recreating any of the looks from today?

I bloody LOVE glitter, if I could do my own make up deffo, but I cant. so no.. 

& you're slaaaying that double denim look, how would you describe your personal style?

I’d say my style is exactly what most parents don’t like or understand. My mum is embarrassed to be seen with me most days. I shop at charity/thrift stores a lot, it's quite child like really. Some days I’m super colourful, some days I’m all in black. I’m not very model like with my clothing! 

Modelling highlight so far?

I cant give just one memory. I'd have to say just all the people I’ve met along the way, models, my agents, people in the film and music industry. It's great meeting these people who have such a passion for arts. I grew up being taught that art is for hobby so to meet the people who’ve their dreams a reality is really inspiring and special to me.

Team work makes the dream work, right?! What's your favourite part about being on set?

If the team are happy to be there, so am I (good vibes). If there's good music on I can shoot allllll day!!! 



Wanna know more about Emma? Watch her Q&A with Emma Breschi below!

