We're totally crushin' on our babe @supernovangirl RN. Filling our feeds with style envy, Star Wars, Harry Potter World and ultimate #HAIRGOAL envy, We caught up with her so you can get to know…

who to follow instagram


You always look SO coordinated, what’s the secret to putting the perfect outfit together?

I love this question because it reminds me of the wonderful tension in fashion between the cerebral and the visceral. On the one hand, we love to assess design and aesthetics and analyze why we believe one outfit “works” and another doesn’t. On the other, so much of fashion is inextricably tied to our emotional state, and we just want to wear something that we love and makes us feel good. I personally try to focus more on how I feel in an outfit, rather than just how I look.

I don’t know if there really is a secret to putting together an outfit, but my practical advice is: don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun. Playing around a bit is the best way to learn what you like and don’t like, and you may stumble upon new and unexpected combinations that excite you!

Your street style pics are always on fleek, what’s your go-to outfit pose?

To be honest, I really dislike posing in photos - I always feel so stiff and awkward! I think it’s because my natural state is neither poised nor polished; I’m constantly in motion, unscripted, and itching to explore my surroundings. Sometimes I’ll try to strike what I think is a flattering pose, but those photos always turn out rather lifeless to me. In the end, most of the pics I post capture moments in which I’m mid-action or in transition somehow. They’re the happy accidents!

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And your hair is #GOALS, tricks to keeping it super shiny?

I love playing with wigs to change up my look, so the synthetic material is what makes it look so shiny. 😁

What’s the deal: coordinating accessories to nails, or nails to accessories?

Neither. 😂 I couldn’t be bothered to make the time! Luckily my colors of choice - holographics, oil slicks, iridescents, opalescents - tend to go with everything.

Who have you got playing on Spotify RN?

...Les Misérables, The Original London Cast Recording. And yes, I’m singing along loudly.

Your Instagram always looks incred, how can we get the perfect feed?

I have a mild-to-severe case of OCD, so that’s one of the main drivers behind the sequencing of my feed. I don’t like when photo compositions are too visually similar between photos that are side-by-side or stacked top-to-bottom on the Insta grid. I would say the perfect feed is one that strives for balance and diversity overall.

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Who should we get following on Insta’ ASAP?

Besides @skinnydiplondon, I’m obsessed with all and any puppergrams - my pups are @gillyandhugo, for reference. I also love @tryitordiet or any account that showcases insanely creative/fun foods. 

Yoga is all over your ‘gram, how did you get into it and how can we become yoga goddesses too?

I first tried yoga over a decade ago, but it didn’t stick at first. Yoga is such a funny thing: it’s garnered so much mainstream popularity over the last few decades, but if you look past the trendiness, buzzwords, and tricky-looking poses, you’ll find a very simple and beautiful way of life that puts happiness at the center. There are many different styles and approaches, so you may need to try a few before finding the one that suits you best. I personally didn’t click with yoga until I found a more athletic style of practice this past year, and was hooked - I even did yoga teacher training!

Stranded on a desert island! What 5 essentials do you bring?

Oh dear, these kinds of questions are always so hard for me to answer. 🤔 I suppose the easiest choices are my boyfriend, my pups Gilly and Hugo, a deep fryer, and a lifetime’s supply of potatoes.

City stroller or beach bathin’ vacay?

I love destinations that offer a bit of both!

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What accessory can you never leave the house without?

A bumbag! I first got into them because they made walking my pups much more convenient and hassle-free. At the time they weren’t trendy at all and quite a few people poked fun at me, including my dad. It’s pretty funny when your nerdy dad thinks you’re the uncool one.

Want to get her look?

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bumbag backpack
 bum bag

Need her for ya' feed?

Instagram: @supernovangirl



