Maggie Lindemann Bio | Skinnydip London
So you may have heard, (and if you haven’t where have you been!?) that we’re about to drop a seriously awesome sunglasses collab with pop sensation Maggie Lindemann. Now we know some of you are already mega-fans, but for those who don’t know much about Maggie here’s a little introduction.
Full Name: Margaret Elizabeth Lindemann
Also known as: Maggie
Age: 19 years old
Occupation: International singer/songwriter
First claim to fame: The song ‘Knocking on your heart’ that was released in 2015. But you’ll most likely know her from the song ‘Pretty Girl’.
Fave food: Sushi & Pasta
Fave singer: Lana Del Ray
Fun facts;
She recently finished a two month tour supporting the Vamps on their Night and Day Tour.
Maggie Lindemann & The Vamps | Skinnydip London
The song Pretty Girl is all about empowerment of women, can we get a hell yeah!

Maggie Lindemann Pretty Girl | Skinnydip London

She currently has 2.7 million followers on Instagram. *gulp*

Maggie Lindemann Selfie | Skinnydip London
