**Drumroll** We’ve got some pretty exciting news to share! We’ve collaborated with the amazing Happy Not Perfect on something seriously cool and calming. A 4-piece collection of specially designed Skinnydip essentials set to relieve stress and soothe your mind – sounds great right?
Some of you may be wondering what exactly Happy Not Perfect is. Created by British entrepreneur and former television presenter Poppy Jamie, she set out with a mission to help make people feel happier, less stressed and more emotionally balanced by creating the amazing mental well being app, Happy Not Perfect. So, to get the inside scoop, we spoke to the gorgeous Poppy herself to find out what the app’s all about and how it can help us all live happier lives.
The Happy Not Perfect journey all started off when Poppy launched her own show on Snapchat called ‘Pillow Talk with Poppy’. During this time Poppy would talk to her viewers about the anxiety she was suffering with, and to her surprise viewer responses poured in by the bucket load, stressing that they too were going through the same/similar experiences. Poppy luckily could go to her mother, a trained therapist, to ask for help, but who was everyone else going to? How was everyone else dealing with it? And that’s where the idea for the app began. **Lightbulb moment**
Poppy decided to create something that everyone could go to, to distract themselves from whatever they were going through. Her main concern was that our brains, the most powerful muscle we have in our bodies is being constantly over-stimulated because of the ever-growing obsession we have with our phones. Due to this the mind tends to get completely overlooked, and our day to day stresses start to really weigh us down.
Poppy explained that we automatically know to brush our teeth twice a day, but what about looking after our minds? Then came the idea for the ‘Refresh Section’, involving a 7-step process to activate the brain and refocus on the positives instead of the negatives. Whatever we focus on gets louder in our mind, so focusing on the good things will become a bigger part of your life and essentially make you feel much happier! Our collaboration with Happy Not Perfect brings the app to life by giving you physical products to use on the daily, to help combat your stress and control your emotions better.
The language the app uses has been tailored to feel like you’re speaking to a friend rather than a therapist, and as we all know; the best advice always comes from your besties! The refresh section is a 5-minute process that you can do on your phone, in public, in private, or pretty much wherever you are, to help you feel better and live happier.
A tool created for all ages, with users from the age of 7 all the way up to 50 being able to find peace of mind from the app, Poppy stated that stress doesn’t just stop when you’re an adult. We all need to become more accustomed to looking after ourselves no matter what age we are.
We asked poppy how she relaxes and what she does when she’s feeling stressed. “Yes, it may be cliché but walking really does work people!” “I put my headphones in and give myself time to be alone with my thoughts for just twenty minutes a day”. Other things like drinking lots of water, having at least 2 early sleeps a week to rejuvenate the mind and seeing friends are all at the top of Poppy’s list to keep a clear and happy mind – and this advice is just a taster of what you can find within the app!
So, there you have it… all the latest on Happy Not Perfect! Read more about the collection right here: Skinnydip x Happy Not Perfect

