Love it or hate it – Valentine’s once more rears its heart shaped head on the 14 February, and whether you’re loved up or feel like ain’t nobody got time for that, we got you honey boo.

It’s still dark and cold out there so let’s not get carried away with ideas of venturing out, plus with this year’s V-Day falling on a Tuesday we can’t think of better way to get struck by Cupid’s Arrow than falling in love with a film.

We’ve picked our office faves, however, this list ain’t sentimental sick bucket material, and you won’t need a lie down cry with a tub of Phish Food after watching because, as much as we love Gosling and Leo, dealing with their deaths is too much for a sister to handle at the start of a working week. Take your pick….


High Fidelity



One of the most unsung heroes for a realistic relationship portrayal, this 2000 gem is an adaptation of the same titled Nick Hornby novel, moving from the book’s London setting to Chicago with uber honey John Cusack playing Rob – a frustrated record shop owner who revisits lovers past and present to break a lifelong cycle of toxic break-ups.

Watch it with your long time significant other, grab a pizza and enjoy the decade scaling soundtrack that includes Elton John, The Stiff Little Fingers, Marvin Gaye, The Roots and Goldie - ultimately this is a film for those in a relationship with their Spotify account. Look out for Jack Black effortlessly stealing multiple scenes.

Best line: I agreed that what really matters is what you like, not what you are like… Books, records, films – these things matter. Call me shallow but it’s the f**kin’ truth


Legally Blonde



The hair! The outfits! The last season Prada shoes! Elle Woods is the absolute definition of sisters doing it for themselves, although annoyingly at first she’s only doing it to win back the potato with eyes known as Warner Huntington III, but she saw the error of her ways so it’s all good and we forgive her.

The usual teen film silliness is present, with loyal yet stupid friends, a hot good guy and good winning over evil (see law teacher Callaghan doing a great Donald Trump impression) but the best part is Elle realizing mates over dates is the secret to her success as she leans on her gal pals during tough times. Plus, there’s a Chihuahua in a collar and tie – this alone should have won the film an Oscar. Get the girls over, remember why you love each other and drink something pink and fizzy in homage.

Best line: Bend…and SNAP!


Lost in Translation



Whenever people tell us a film is about an unusual friendship, we always hope it’s about an overweight labradoodle’s bond with a pig during a whirlwind adventure to Dollywood, but alas that film is yet to surface – until then we’ll take Lost in Translation.

If we wore a pink wig, our nearest and dearest would no doubt ask U OK HUN, but indie queen Scarlett Johansson pulls it off as she plays neglected wife Charlotte. On location with her celebrity photographer husband in Tokyo, speaking minimal Japanese and doing sad face really well, she meets ageing actor Bob (Bill Murray) and starts a friendship based on weird sexual chemistry that bubbles under the surface with subtle looks and an unspoken desire to fix each other.

We won’t spoil the will-they-won’t-they element for those who haven’t seen it, but the landscape cinematography and sharp dialogue provide an exciting pace throughout for film that on paper sounds a bit wet. Anna Farris also pops up as a bimbo actress, rumored to represent Cameron Diaz, and any opportunity to see the House Bunny star makes our hearts happy so it’s a thumbs up all round. Watch solo to make the most the of the suspense, maybe with some sushi to feel extra.

Best line:  I tried taking pictures, but they were so mediocre. I guess every girl goes through a photography phase. You know, horses... taking pictures of your feet





Ah to be young and totally besotted with your mother again because that goddess who stood at least 2 feet taller than you provided you and your pals with mini pizzas after school for tea and let you get your ears pierced when dad said no….

Mermaids is all about the mama-daughter bond as a young Winona Ryder and Cher come to blows over everything you used to fight with your mum about back in the day. Set in 1963, Cher is perpetually hot stuff throughout with bouffant hair, and Winona, along with little sister Christina Ricci, demonstrate real comedic skill and timing.

The greatest legacy of this film in the Shoop Shoop song (google IMMEDIATLEY if you have no clue) but it also provides a lot of heart and is great for a night in with your mum, aka your first ever friend.

Best line: Oh god. I think I might be pregnant with the next Jewish Italian Messiah





So we’ve hit the 3rd date, you’re a bit poor and they paid the last two times. But what’s this?! AN IDEA! Invite them over, watch a film, make a dish that may well change your whole career into being a chef at the Dorchester, and convince them you’re cool.

The pasta bake is nearly done, the doorbell rings, they bought you flowers, you giggle – YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE! No really, you hate flowers and would rather have had a cheesecake, but that’s ok, you can train them. Mmm cheesecake.

What film do you want to watch? they ask. WELL, how about Anchorman?

You can’t go wrong here gals – the majority of people enjoy Anchorman, you can quote it back to each other and the story won’t be lost by a few minutes of necking on. Bonus points because they’ll think you’re super funny, which you are…and pretty too! You’ve got it all girlfriend! Hi 5 yo self!

Best line: I’m in a glass case of emotion