Ready to find out what it's like to have pink highlights? We caught up with babe Charlie Newman on set to see what it takes to be a model how you could get noticed. 

We can’t deny Instagram has changed the way we get noticed in the creative industry, we (heart emoji) your Insta feed – top tips for getting noticed?

Stay authentic, show all the sides of your life, people want to see the real you not just the 'perfect' side.

Favourite moment from the #Models1xSkinnydip shoot?

Being interviewed by Emma was hilarious and also just being with everyone from the agency, it's very rare so was it was really fun to get together.

Being a model is hectic! Describe your ultimate day off…

Sleeping in late, brunch with friends, maybe a gallery or two, boxing with George Venness at Bodyism, Mad Men in bed with endless cups of tea and a long bath.

We LOVE the pink highlights in your hair, do ya think this could be a permanent thing?

They were a colourful addition but me being blonde is too important for work.

What’s next for Charlie Newman?

I'm off to New York in October but until then enjoying what's left of the British Summer!

Wanna know more about Charlie? Watch her Q&A with Emma Breschi below!
