Hate Sucks Podcast Episode 1 | Skinnydip London
Open your ears, minds and hearts and get ready for the best 8 series podcast under our #HATESUCKS platform here at Skinnydip London. Our mission is to open up the minds of others by covering topics from race, to mental health and even answering the big question of whether you should go to uni or not! We want to open up conversation to all so get listening! 
Hate Sucks Podcast | Period Poverty | Skinnydip London
“I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a leak story or an embarrassing story, it’s something that all women go through”

Girlllll, don’t we know it. So what’s our first podcast all about we hear you ask? We’re talking all about periods. Yep, that’s right. We talk all about that ‘awkward’ time of the month and the struggles that come with it on a monthly basis. We chatted to the amazing Claire at The Pink Parcel to talk about period shame, period poverty and to discuss ways how we can break the taboo behind periods once and for all.
Hate Sucks Podcast | The Pink Parcel | Skinnydip London
“1 in 10 girls in the UK are suffering from period poverty”

A statistic that shocked us all, many of us see our periods as something normal that happens every month, something we’re used to that doesn’t faze us much anymore. But can you imagine being on your period and not having the financial access to be able to grab the nearest sanitary product to deal with it? With 1 in 10 suffering from period poverty, young girls in schools, refugees, asylum seekers, the homeless and thousands of women all over the world are having to deal with this stress monthly, and this needs to change.

Hate Sucks Podcast | Rupi Kaur | Skinnydip London
“Over the course of a woman’s life, they spend £18,000 on period products”

£18,000?! That’s a house deposit right there, and that’s on average how much a woman spends combatting her period throughout her lifetime. We talk with Claire about the affordability and general frustration around tampon tax, and she tells us more about how and why one of The Pink Parcel’s many goals is to combat this and what we can all do to help those in need.
Hate Sucks Podcast | Girls Support Girls | Skinnydip London
“Reclaim what’s happening to your body, own it and support other girls around you”

It’s here every month, and it’s not going away we’re afraid! So along with the other 800 million women who are on their period right now, own your body and support others around you! Listen to our podcast via the link below & don’t forget to check out The Pink Parcel and all the amazing things they do.

Oh and stay tuned for episode 2 of our #hatesucks podcast next week!

Over and out xo