Nah Cardoso knows how to take a fabulous photo and this Brazilian babe kills it when it comes to blogging and style! We caught up with our blogger of the month and got her to answer some questions so we can get to know her a little bit more!

How did you start blogging?

Since always I like to share with everyone pictures and what I think about everything. The first social media was Twitter, so people started to follow me and asked to me to create a blog, so I did. I got an Instagram and YouTube later.

Talk us through your day to day
I don't have a routine. It's like everyday is a new day. There's meetings, traveling, photo shoots, interviews.... But what I do everyday is creating content for all of my social media channels: Instagram, blog, YouTube, snapchat, Facebook. I never stop, I'm always online sharing everything and talking with my followers. I love it!

Best hotspot in Brazil?
Hm... my office or just my house.

Styling tip?
My styling tip is to feel good and love yourself. There's no better clothes when you feel happy.

Best blogging moment so far?
Best blogging moment so far it's working with brands that I love and traveling to places that I've always dreamt of.

What's the secret to your Instagram success?
I believe there is no secret. Everything is natural and spontaneous. You just have to keep doing what you love everyday and sharing with everyone including them in your life.

What app do you use to edit your photos?
My favourite app to edit my photos is VSCO CAM!

What's your favourite emoji?
I love this emoji: 🙋🏻 (it's just me)

Quick fire round:
Instagram or Snapchat? Instagram
Flats or heels? Flats
Beach or park? Park
Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Katy Perry
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Patches or stickers? Patches

