If you haven't already heard about this awesome duo, you must have been living under a rock. Jess and Stef created their blog in 2012 to update one another whilst living on opposite sides of the world (adorable!). These Aussie sisters have taken the blogging world by storm with their consistently colourful style and mouth-watering treat ideas. We caught up with our favourite pair on everything from fashion to travel!

How did you start blogging?
We started How Two Live as a daily diary when Stef was moving to Paris for six months to learn French. We’d write to each other and post pics every day about what we were doing, wearing, seeing and loving, and then it evolved and grew from there.

Describe your style
Our style is a little like Pandora’s box – you never know what you’re going to get! We try not to stick to one specific style and just go with whatever we’re feeling that day. Sometimes you’ll find us dressed in crazy colours and prints, other days we’ll be in all black (yes, sometimes we wear black) and then we’ll go 90s on you and rock up in double (or quadruple) denim.

If you could raid someones wardrobe, whose would it be?
Ooooh tough one! We’d definitely love to play dress up with Miley Cyrus’s stage costumes, but the fancy(er) ladies inside us want to say Anna Dello Russo because that girl got some serious style.

Favourite Skinnydip item?
The Unicorn Tears phone case will always hold a special place in our hearts <3

Favourite piece of clothing you couldn’t live without?
This black Ellery dress we got for the races last year. It has this gorgeous plunging neckline and amazing flared sleeves... we definitely don’t get to wear it as often as we’d like as it’s very OTT but just knowing it’s sitting in our closet gives us the warm and fuzzies. 

Best blogging tip?
Share the love! We’ve found the best way to grow our following is teaming up with likeminded bloggers, influencers and brands to create something awesome. You’ll gain each others followers so it’s a win for everyone.

Whats keeping you busy atm?
We’ve just released our book #HOWTWOLIVE which has been keeping us crazy busy for the last year. We’re also about to launch our shoe line TWOOBS in the next couple of months which has been keeping us extra crazy crazy busy… oh and then there’s the excessive amount of QuizUp we play.

If you were invisible for the day what would you do?
Sneak onto a plane and get our booties back to London. Free trip to Europe? Yaaaaaas.



Not enough? Follow these gorgeous girlies on all their social media accounts!

Instagram- @HowTwoLive

Twitter- @HowTwoLive_

Blog- www.howtwolive.com

Tumblr- howtwolive.tumblr.com
