Mega babe Sasha Louise currently on a one woman mission to make latex fashionable. Latex is environmentally friendly, 100% Vegan and a super cute alternative to leather, and we are loving it here at Skinnydip! You may not have heard of Sasha, but you have probably seen her pieces on the likes of Lady Gaga, Paloma Faith and Miley!

Tell us a little bit about Sasha Louise Latex and how the brand began!
Sasha Louise started after I graduated from London College of Fashion, as I was starting to work with latex and always wanted to have my own clothing company. I kept it small and developed my technique, I then applied to the Prince's Trust to develop the business.

 What is the inspiration for your pieces?
I have an underlying punk aesthetic, I'm really influenced by music.


  We are dying to know how you came about the net latex, obviously a secret you can’t reveal but when did it happen/was it a happy accident?

Net latex came out of being poor. When you have little money you become more resourceful, I didn't have the money to buy the material so I decided to make my own and it just developed from there really.

 What has been your biggest achievement so far?
It's been amazing to see my clothing on celebrities it can be quite overwhelming and so weird to see my clothing on someone like Lady Gaga or Paloma Faith. But, I feel I'm most proud of how far I've come on my own, I've only recently taken on my first intern Cheyenne.

 What is the Sasha Louise studio like?
Well it isn't anything fancy, I still work from home with my lovely cat Lola running around demanding attention and Cheyenne strutting around in samples! 

 Is there anything exciting in the pipeline we should know about?
I have a new womenswear collection and menswear collection coming out in July!
I'm so excited about everyone seeing it!

 What is your favourite piece you’ve made?
That's too hard to answer, I don’t have favourites, I tend to fall in love with whatever individual piece I'm making at the time. 

 And finally, we know you’re a one-woman force to making latex fashion and not just fetish, do you have any style tips on how to wear latex everyday?
I think the biggest tip I can give is to look at it as any other piece of clothing, my croc pieces can be worn as they are, and the net can be worn with something under or over, like you would if you were to wear anything else sheer. All my pieces go through a treatment that makes it really easy to slip on and off, under and over clothes. I've also recently released some latex accessories, clutch bags, card holders etc, so perhaps start your collection with something small and work more into your wardrobe! (self promo at its best!)

If you want to find out more about Sasha Louise, to shop the range or to get inspired head over to the website/social channels for more info! 





