Our February Young British Talent post features 26 year old Londoner Ella Masters. Ella is a freelance artist whose art blog (link below) is BlogLovin's No.1 Art Blog in the UK! As well as drawing and blogging Ella has her own Etsy shop. We caught up with the Ella about tattoos, inspiration and art below...


How long have you been drawing for?
I have been drawing since i was about 2, its all i ever really did as a child that and climb trees and cover everything with glitter and pom poms! But i've been professionally illustrating and drawing for about 5 years since graduating from falmouth university.

How would you describe your illustration style.
My style changes a lot depending on the commission, but i am known for my love of tattoos and beard. Its a bit quirky, colourful and a little different. It's rather hard to describe.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I draw inspiration from lots of different places, my favourite tattooists, colourful stuff, patterns, artists like Turner, per-raphiltes,  Van gogh, monet, my travels, bloggers, fashion designers like Alice temperaly, Kate Spade and good old pinterest.


What is your favourite tattoo you have?
Oooh I have a few to choose from that I love in different ways, but I do love my two tiny ankle tattoos i did myself (I have 3 all together on my ankles) I have a tiny anchor and a heart locket, the anchor I have always wanted because i'm obsessed with the sea and genuinely wanted to be a pirate growing up the other is a heart locket that me and my friend Lyzi from being little promised we would get after our travels to paris i was about 2 years delayed in getting mine..but yeah thats the most meaningful. My big thigh siren/mermaid tattoo i have on my leg is pretty special as well.   

What has been your favourite freelance project to date?
There have been a few but some of the live illustration commissions i have worked on in store for Cath Kidston was pretty fun meeting people who liked me work and in turn I got to draw them, an event i did for tribal media and Rosewood hotel, getting to draw some fab bloggers. I am currently working on something rather big for my favourite company but thats all top secret! 

Whats your favourite piece from the current Skinnydip collection?
I'm a massive fan of the cross the body shell bags, kinda makes me wish my hair was candy coloured and I was a mermaid.



