When working in a small studio tea breaks are essential. 9am, 11am and 3pm are key tea drinking times in the Skinnydip teams routine. Whoever walks near or past the kitchen at this time is appointed to boil the kettle. So I think you can imagine the excitement when teapigs sent over an AMAZING selection of teas for us to try... we died and went to brew heaven.

We caught up with Louise, co-founder and tea taster of teapigs and asked her a very important question, milk or water first? Check out the answers below!

How/why did you start teapigs?
Nick and I had both worked in tea for some time and travelled all over the world tasting lots of different / amazing teas. 8 Years ago in the UK it was very hard to find really great quality teas and infusions other than in really fancy tea shops. So we started teapigs to bring real, quality whole leaf tea to the mainstream – whilst we are not exactly mainstream.  

Being the official teapigs Tea Tester, what is your favourite flavour to date?
teapigs tung ting oolong. 

Where do you get inspiration for tea?
We look at food and drink trends in the UK and across the world. The US tea market is pretty interesting and although we are a nation of tea drinkers the US have some interesting gourmet teas – red velvet cupcake tea? 

What is the secret to a good brew?
Quality whole leaf teas is the key + freshly drawn water (not that water which has been sitting in the kettle for ages) + water boiled to the correct temperature = the perfect cuppa.  

What’s the most adventurous flavour you’ve tested but hasn’t made the shelves?
We are trying lots of different teas all the time, trying to make up new and interesting flavours – very few of them make it to the shelves! We are into spice and chocolate at the moment – our chocolate and mint tea has been really popular so there might be more to come along the indulgent lines. 

If you were a tea which tea would you be and why?
If I could be a tea I would be teapigs matcha – it is bright green, mega versatile, packed with energy but also good for calming.  It has it all!

Do you add milk or water first? 
Milk if pouring from a teapot. Water if pouring into a mug. 

Fun fact about teapigs?
We are Brentford's biggest tea company!

If you were invisible for a day, you would…
This one is tricky, I asked in the office and teapig Reece said he would like to be invisible to trip people up who get in his way on the daily commute – bit harsh?! Surely following the prime minister around for a day would be interesting. 

What’s next for teapigs?
More great tea in endless different ways and world domination. Japan here we come! 

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