Is your wardrobe missing on trend pieces with a vintage twist? We thought so! That's why you have to check out Loving Youth, a Yorkshire brand that brings vintage pieces up to date by deconstructing and remaking into new styles. We chat to Katie and Faye, Loving Youth's designers about everything fashion!

Who are you and what do you do?
Katie & Faye - Loving youth designers

Where did the name ‘Loving Youth’ come from?
Loads of names were thrown about and that one seemed to stick.

What influences your designs?
we love taking inspirations from the past I really like 90's and go more to the dark side, and katie is fan of 70's ethnic Bohemia so we really bounce off each other

How would you describe the space that you work in?
A converted church/warehouse in the heart of Leeds

How would you sum up a Loving Youth girl?
A fun & fashion foward lass thats not afraid to take risks, who like to mix high street with vintage

What’s keeping you busy at the moment?
Definitely planning our next line, very excited to get some glitz and glam in there

What has been the biggest highlight of The Loving Youth story so far?
Starting out with one Topshop Leeds concession and rolling out to 17 across Europe has been a big acheivment

What’s your favourite product to date?
Giant jersey tee dress & Burberry print 'Erin' trousers - wadrobe staples!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
Faye- Biker Jacket, Katie - Fedora with vintage hat charms

Any style tips?
Dress for you! - It's the simplest yet best advice we have ever been given

What is your favourite piece from your current collection?
The 'Mimi' sheer maxi tee

Where do you see Loving Youth in the future?
Next step for us is selling the brand on our website!

If you were invisible for a day you would...
Go visit David Beckham's changing room...

Check out the Loving Youth website HERE.

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Loving Youth INSTAGRAM
