Frederique Tietcheu is our July Blogger of the Month babe. Known as Freddie, this girl is a fashion blogger, personal stylist, digital marketer and confidence coach (WOWZA) and to top it off she has style for days! Having fun with her fashion is key. Freddie can be spotted wearing bring and colourful prints or letting her accessories do the talking. We caught up with Freddie below about her personal style and her favourite places in London...

Freddie! Tell us how you started
I’ve always loved clothes, and playing with them! I was working in fashion but in digital marketing. I was surrounded with clothes all the time, which was amazing for a shopping addict as me but I really didn’t like my job, I wanted to do something closer to the product rather than just marketing it. So my fiancé encouraged me to start a blog, just to have this bit of fun on the side. I was really frightened by the idea at the beginning, I was very shy! So I used the name of my alter ego; the bold, the crazy and super confident Frankie.

Describe your personal style.
I always refer to it as a burrito! I love almost everything, as long as it’s unflattering and crazy looking! More seriously, I love dressing like a boy. I love brogues, suits and mansy shirts. But I love bold colours, crazy accessories, high heels, dresses, etc. So my style is like a mix of tons of different things wrapped into one: like a burrito!

What trend are you currently into?
The 70s!! I love everything from this decade, the wide legs, the bright colours, the fitted polo shirts – I love playing characters, channeling my different personalities through y outfit and I must say, the 70s offer a lot to play with! The 80s are not far off, I sometimes wish I could live in Back to the Future! Ahah! 

Favourite high street brand atm?
Skinnydip has to be in my top 3! Where do you guys come up with so many amazing ideas, I don’t know but I’m loving it!

If you could raid someones wardrobe, whose would it be?
Pandora Sykes’, my ultimate girl crush!

Fave Skinnydip item?
The smiley face cross body bag, it’s me as a bag really!

Being a Parisian living in London, whats your favourite London hot spot?
Peckham and Brixton! They’re colourful, vibrant, and there’s always something new to do there!

Any tips for starting a blog?
Don’t try to mimic anyone, use your blog as a platform to fully express yourself, your style and what you’re about!

Who is the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
@ElsaMuse, a French blogger too cute for words! 

If you were invisible for a day you would… 
I’d probably walk around London naked! In this heat, it sounds like the right thing to do ahah!


