Another month another chance to feature a totally talented babe. This month we chat to Jazmine Cant who has created a couple of super cute fashion illustrations for Skinnydip. Need some inspo, look no further...

Have you always been a creative individual?
Yes, Defintely ever since I was a kid. My Mum influenced me to be creative, when I was young I use to watch her paint on huge canvas's and walls in her classroom (she was my primary school art teacher too)! I love the freedom and beauty of being creative. I wouldn’t want to do anything else! 
We know you study Fashion Graphics at University - is this a course you have always had your heart set on?
When I discovered the fashion graphics course I was ecstatic, I love the challenge of different projects and learning new skills within graphic design and fashion. It has always been my dream to combine fashion and graphics and this course was the perfect choice.

Who are you most inspired by and why?
Alexander McQueen, I love his designs and concepts but also he was the first designer that made me want to pursue a career in fashion. 

What is on your summer hot list this year?
I will be going to Naples and Rome in the summer which I am so excited for. Also to check out the Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty exhibition.

If you could take any celeb onto a desert island - who would you take?

Dylan O'Brien he’s my spirit animal. 

What's your dream career?
I'm not sure yet because I love doing so many different things to choose one path of design. But if I had to choose it would be designing graphic prints for clothing.

