This month's Young British Talent feature is a super cutie! We discovered Katie Bennett through Instagram and boy are we chuffed! She creates seriously cool moving illustrations using bright colour palettes - SO Skinnydip!
We caught up with Katie to get the low down on what inspires her...

Have you always been a creative person? And when did you get into illustration?
For as long as I can recall I've loved drawing. As a kid I would make my own catalogues and enter any art competition going! Its how as a 10 year old, I turned on the Stafford christmas lights with a Chippendale! I got into illustration because I love it, it makes me happy.
If you could up, move and take your illustrations anywhere in the world, where would you go?Berlin! It has such a great atmosphere and the people are so lovely. There's a lot there to be inspired by. Plus they have Dunkin Donut's everywhere, never a bad thing.

What are you inspired by?
I'm inspired by other illustrators, such as Richard Scary (Busytown), Dick Bruna (Miffy), Owen Davey, David Doran & Ruby Taylor. I love narrative as well as visually stunning stand alone pieces. I moved out of East London last month but it always inspired me, there's interesting things and people everywhere! A big cup of coffee also helps.
What song are you totally crushin' at the moment? 
Passion Pit - Lifted Up (1985)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I'd love to be illustrating children's books & own loads of dogs!
What is your fave instagram account atm? 
And finally, what is on your Skinnydip London wishlist? 
My absolute favourites right now are the Aqua Shell Cross Body Bag, Broken Bones Make-Up Bag & Lilac Faux Fur iPhone 5S case! Skinny Dip always gets it right!
Keep up with what Katie is up to here: