Sophie Hartshorn is a MEGA BABE when it comes to cutting and sticking! We're OBSESSED with her super creative collages - they have real personality and all around sassyness. The lovely Sophie is this months Young British Talent feature and she has created some uber cool work for us to share with you. Keep scrolling for creative envy as we catch up with Sophie below...
Hey Sophie! How long have you been creating collages?
I have always made little collages here and there. Since I was little I liked to incorporate all art platforms together, drawing on my photos or etching into them and cutting them up and then sticking them back together. It’s always been a hobby, but it’s been the last couple of years, since nearing the end of my time in University that my collages started to take the forms and style you see today.
Have you always been creative? 
Always. Ever since before I can remember I have always taken the creative approach to everything. I love it so much. I wouldn’t change being a creative person for anything.
What would your dream career? 
I would love to be a full time working collage artist. I can’t think of anything better than spending my days collaborating with fashion houses, magazines and other creative’s and producing magical and inspiring work.
How would you describe your individual style? 
Weird and wonderful.
When you’re having a creative stump - where do you look for inspiration?
 It sounds so cliché and cheesy but literally everywhere. I get inspired by the most random things, but generally I usually just have a look through art books and fashion magazines and it comes from that.
Who is your creative idol? 
 Probably Luca Mainini, Quentin Jones or Maison Stella.
How import is social media for you to show your work? 
 So important, it’s changed everything in terms of networking, collaborating, meeting other creative’s & creating opportunities.
What’s your favourite piece of work so far?
I don’t have one I don’t think, my favourites change as much as I feel my style changes. One moment I’m all about the monochrome and little ears and whiskers, and next minute I want everything to be sassy, fun and brightly coloured. 
If you could style any Skinnydip product - what would you choose? 
I am obsessed with Skinnydip, especially your bags. So I would probably choose to style a bag or a phone case. Or stickers!
Keep up to date with Sophie below!