Here at Skinnydip we are always on the look out for new jewellery brands to fall in love with, and what more could you want than beautifully made jewellery with healing and balancing properties?! Naked Faun is our new jewellery love, an online jewellery brand oozing with spirit and soul, every piece made with quality and mystery in mind. 
Inspired by mythology, crystal healing and earth magic, their pieces all channel beautiful earthy vibes. With every thing from rings and necklaces to body pieces, Naked Faun have so many beautiful pieces to offer. To find out more about Naked Faun have a read of the Q&A below when we caught up with them... 

Tell us a little bit about Naked Faun…
Naked Faun is bringing heart and soul into how we wear jewellery. We sell pieces that we feel are magic, crafted from sterling silver and featuring crystals and gemstones. Humans have adorned themselves since time immemorial, wearing pieces of the earth and connecting themselves to the beauty that they live in. We’re here to celebrate that and bring beautiful, meaningful pieces of jewellery to you guys!
Drawing inspiration from mysticism and mythology for your pieces, how did Naked Faun begin?
We felt that so much jewellery is transitory, and is designed without thought and feeling. It’s cheap and cheerful and turns your fingers green. We wanted to create a jewellery line for people who wanted something more in what they wear, without breaking the bank. Mysticism and mythology hold so much mystery, that the inspiration is never ending.
Does your studio carry the same earthy and spiritual vibe as your jewellery?
Of course! We still like to work in a clean and minimalist space, but we always have some incense burning and plenty of green plants, crystals and music playing to keep our spirits lifted.  

What's your favourite piece currently?
One of our personal favourites is the Alder White Quartz Necklace - it holds five white quartz crystals on a simple silver chain. The mystical symbology behind the number 5 is very interesting reading, and white quartz is an incredibly balancing and healing stone. Not to mention it looks gorgeous too! It has a very magical feel to it, and we love that.

Who would you say is your typical 'Naked Faun girl'?
The Naked Faun girl is the wild spirit in each of us. She’s the one who embraces adventure and spontaneity, who is in love with the universe and who won’t be tamed. Her life is magical, because she finds the magic in every moment, no matter how small. She’s the burning fire in each of us, and the glimmering moonlight. She howls for freedom and when you find her, she’ll never leave you.
What are your experiences with crystal healing/tell us a little bit about it...
We aren’t qualified crystal healing therapists by any means, but we are open minded to their magical properties. Crystals are some of the oldest parts of the earth, having been transformed millions of years ago deep in the molten layers beneath us. Many people believe they channel an old earth magic that we can harness, and they definitely hold very strange properties and are worth studying. Even if you don’t believe in crystal healing per se, you can’t deny the pure beauty of these rocks!

What's next for you/what can we expect for the future?
We’re currently undergoing some very exciting developments, and are in the process of designing some very special collections that we can’t wait to share with you. For now, we are selling off lots of our original stock to make way for the new, so do check out the sale to see if anything catches your eye - these pieces won’t be restocked!
WORDS BY - Rhiannon Bond 