Introducing Scarlett Josse the fab and talented UK illustrator, who has created some colorful illustrations of our Skinnydip products. We chatted to Scarlett to find out a bit more about her illustrations and personal style!

How did you get into illustrating?

I've always loved drawing and generally being creative. I studied Art at college and then Fashion Design & Marketing at London College of Fashion. A few years ago I was looking for a creative outlet so I started Fashion Climate, an illustrated travel and fashion blog. I basically posted as and when I had the time, but then I suddenly started to get commissions from people and brands that had found my illustrations on Instagram. So far 2016 has been amazing, and I still have even more exciting projects lined up.

Where do you get your inspo from?

Anywhere, everywhere and Net-A-Porter.

Fave Instagram account at the mo?

Jeanette Getrost (@jeanettegetrost). I love this girls illustrations and style.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

I really have no idea but as long as I'm filling my days with creative projects and of course, drawing, I'll be very happy.

How would you describe your personal style?

Classic with a hint of fun? I love the brogue and cigarette trouser combo but I'll always accessories with one thing that's insane, like bright shoes, a cute bag or a crazy headband.

What’s on your Skinnydip wishlist?

Stickers. Lot's of stickers. I've also recently realised I need to protect my tech a bit more so a revamp for them too.


Thanks Scarlett!

Make sure you check out more of Scarlett's fab illustrations: 



