Found at markets and pop-up shops across London, Hannah Davis' handmade jewellery brand, Wolf & Moon, has been making a name for itself since she began the brand whilst still at university. Her pieces are distinctive and fun, with cool colours, metallics and plenty of glitz, and don't even get us started on the headpieces, which we are loving! All of her products are made using homegrown materials and the influence of nature and the outdoors is obvious, so we got in touch with our inner hippie and went to see what Wolf & Moon's founder had to say!

How did Wolf & Moon begin?
I have always enjoyed designing and making since I was a child.  At college, my friends and I decided to sell secondhand clothes over My Space to make some extra pocket money.  The others gave up after a while so I took over and started making some jewellery to sell alongside the clothes.  It felt really rewarding when the jewellery did well so I eventually stopped selling the clothes.  I moved to London in 2008 to start my degree and an opportunity came up to sell at a market which is really where it all began!

Where does the brand name come from?
I have always been a nature lover – going for hikes in a forest or in the mountains is my favourite escape.  My early designs were very much influenced by nature and the Wolf & Moon brooch was the first piece I made in the original collection.

What influences your pieces?
There are many things that influence my design process.  I always like to have a juxtaposition of something natural against the manmade, whether this is simply a combination of materials or something more literal like the shapes I’m using.  I am often inspired by places I’ve travelled to, design periods, and experimenting with materials themselves.

How would you describe a Wolf & Moon girl?
Curious, colourful and unique.

Do you have a favourite piece from your current collection?
I love the D Studs and Contrast Rings.   I’m inspired by a more minimal look at the moment and I love the simple combinations of metal and perspex.

How did your collaboration with Alfred & Wilde come about?
Simon from Alfred & Wilde approached us with the idea to collaborate on this project.  The design brand is also based in East London and produces bold geometric and typographic prints, stationary and homewares.  They have a beautiful range of mugs with graphic gold patterns based on the Platonic Solids and we both felt this could translate really well into a jewellery collection.  Working with the original five Platonic Solids, we played with the shapes, transforming them to create interesting forms that would work well as wearable pieces.

What’s next for the brand, where do you see it heading in the future?
I have some exciting plans for 2015! I am working on a new collection inspired by travels to Norway last year.   It will be a collaboration between photography and jewellery which I am really excited about - I won’t say any more at this point!

Is Wolf & Moon your style? Click HERE

Twitter: @wolfandmoonshop

Instagram: @wolfandmoonshop

Facebook: /wolfandmoonshop

Words: Sarah Maxwell
