We're still TOTALLY buzzing from the recent goings on of London Fashion Week and all of the fabulous Skinnydip style we've been seeing! There was one blue haired and dangerously on fleek babe that particularly caught our eye when we spotted her flaunting some Skinnydip goods paired with her out of this wolfs garms. With every blue hair flick and sprinkle of glitter, mega sass pot Sophie Hannah Richardson is making a name for herself in the fashion blogosphere! The lovely Sophie answered some questions for us so you girls can get to know here a little bit more!

Sum up your style in three words...
Green, Mermaid, 90s - if anyone follows me on Instagram they're guaranteed to see some sort of styling along those themes. I love matching anything green/blue with my hair and I jumped on the mermaid trend last summer as I absolutely love anything glittery! I am also a 90s baby and with the trend still being around, I love trying to work this into my look!

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe whose would it be?
Definitely Miley Cyrus - I'd love to try on some of her crazy outfits!

Best fashion find…
This is tricky... But I'd say my most recent find has to be this amazing silky teal bomber jacket from Boohoo. It looks unreal against my mermaid locks!

Night out go-to dance move…
I've always gotta bust out the two-step if I'm on a night out! It just has to be done!

Favorite Skinnydip item…
Mermaid Tears Glitter Clutch - obvs! I absolutely love anything glittery because it gives me a reason to match it to glittery hair and glittery makeup! Any opportunity to go crazy with glitter, I'm there!

Would you rather…give up cake or cocktails?
I'd have to give up cocktails! I'd never been able to give up Red Velvet or Rainbow cake!

Your 3 must-have hangover cures? 
I get the WORST hangovers! I don't know anyone else who has them as bad as I do! Nothing really seems to work but lots of water, a cuppa and a McDonalds Banana Milkshake sometimes helps slightly!

If you could go back in time, which decade would you hit up?
t's gotta be the 90s! I'm still so in love with the trend from last summer and can't let go of my choker necklaces!

Before you started this Q&A what were you doing?
Casually stalking people on Instagram! I love finding new influencers/bloggers to follow and be inspired by!

Follow Sophie's blog and social media below!






