We first came across Mancurian fashion blogger Megan Ellaby on Instagram. After drooling over her feed of neon pink coats and babein shoes we knew we loved this girls style! A fashion student by day and fashion blogger by night, we don't know how Megan fits it all in. Not forgetting she has interned just about everywhere! Her blog, 'Whats New Pussycatt' has led her to be featured in favourite fashion mags Look and Company as well as collaborate with some great brands. We love getting our daily fix of Megan's style and we even get a menswear update now and again from her Boyfriend Will! To avoid wardrobe envy, look away now...

What inspired you to start your blog?
As boring as it sounds, I had to keep a diary for Uni whilst out on my placement year, so thought an online diary would work best for me. I'd fill it with boring entries about what my life as an intern was like and people seemed to like it. I fell in love with reading other blogs and with the whole blogging community and slowly started to filter in some outfit posts, almost a year on and I'm pretty bloody proud!

Describe your style.
Oh eck, I dread this question. I have no idea how to answer it as it changes literally everyday. I'm very much inspired by the whole 60's era, I adore Edie Sedgwick! I love the minimalism of Scandinavian style and I am always so attracted to simple masculine silhouttes. Yeah, a pretty messed up sense of style but hey ho!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
This changes all the time, but at the moment a statement coat is my life! I am going though one of those girl fazes where I hate each and every single item in my wardrobe, so throw on a good coat and nobody knows what you're wearing your jim jams underneath, HUZZAH!

What have you learned through interning?
To let your personality shine through, no one likes a shrinking violet, a wall flower, a BORE! So be yourself, if they don't like it, then hey, they're not right for you.

Any advice for future fashion interns?
See above comments and also don't be picky. You have to take the good with the bad, the stuffing envelopes with the arranging fashion events, the cleaning of the fashion cupboard with the styling of a shoot, nothing bugged me more than other interns moaning and complaining about doing boring jobs...that's life...HUN!

If you could raid someone's wardrobe, whose would it be?
ALEXA FLIPPING CHUNG! I am literally obsessed with her! Not a single person in the entire fashion industy enraptures me the way she does. She is flawless in my eyes! Also, Harry Styles, just so I could be in his house...stalker.

Whats your favourite Skinnydip product?
I have the Glitterball iPhone 4 case and I am obsessed with it, it gets sooo many compliments, a real show stopper of a piece!

Style tip?
Don't take style tips, just know yourself, your body and have fun!

What was the best Christmas present you received?
Okay, aside from the surprise addition of the One Direction movie, my fave pressie was a Reiss leather jacket in duck egg blue...SWOON!!!

What's your fave blog to read on your lunch break?
Thelittlemagpie.com - such a babe!

What is your dream career?
The dream is to live in New York, doing what, I do not know! Something creative and fashion related, watch this space!

If you were invisible for a day you would...
See above answer about Harry Styles wardrobe...once again, STALKER! 

Check out Megan's blog here: WHATSNEWPUSSYCATT
