Hate sucks, right? We’re all about the love at Skinnydip HQ. #HATESUCKS is a very important message we want to share with as many people as possible worldwide. From our stores to our social, rainbows reign across our branding and products in support of the LGBT community. 
In awareness and spreading the love during this year's Pride, we have teamed up with charity Stonewall, where acceptance is without exception. Here's what you need to know...
pride 2017


Who are Stonewall?

Stonewall is one of the biggest thriving communities, working hard to make sure LGBT community doesn't feel alone. Founded in 1989 by a small group, acting against Section 28 of the Government Act, Stonewall has grown into a national community, celebrating lesbian, trans, gay and bi individuals and eliminating the stigma within the UK. Including inspiring founding members such as Ian Mckeller and Michael Cashman, Stonewall has shaped into one of the most empowering charities, making us at Skinnydip HQ extremely excited to be supporting them for Pride 2017.

What do they do?

In the past 30 years, Stonewall have been working hard to transform intuitions, change hearts & minds, change laws, and lastly empower individuals. By campaigning, lobbying and being the forefront of the LBGT community, Stonewall have given everyone a voice. 
In their time, they have been able to achieve equalisation of the age of consent, eliminating the ban of LGB communities joining the military, securing legal adoption services for same-sex couples and importantly lifting section 28.
Today, they are working harder than ever to empower the LGBT community further and bring equality for all individuals.

How can I get involved?

Feeling inspired? Or are you wanting to show your support? It's easy to get involved in support of Stonewall.
  1. Share your #HATESUCKS spirit by hashtagging your snaps of our stores, stickers and postcards.
  2. Shop our exclusive edit, with 10% of proceeds going directly to Stonewall
  3. OR donate to our JustGiving page here.
  4. Get involved with the charity, by fundraising, volunteering and campaigning here.
  5. Show your love by downloading our exclusive wallpapers, or get hands on with your own creativity with our downloadable poster.


Share the Love

Download our exclusive wallpapers & poster and share the love!

hate suck pride wallpaper

...get Involved with the Pride Movement!


10% of each purchase will go to Stonewall.




