Well we don’t know about you but we think January resolutions are hard. From cutting out alcohol to starting that crazy detox we think you deserve to treat yourself this January. We wanna introduce you to our friends over at amazing jewellers, Maria Tash. The saying goes less is more but when it comes to jewellery, we must disagree. If you’re in London and want to treat yourself something extra special, you must hit up Maria Tash in Liberty. NY based jeweller to the stars Maria Tash has set up camp to give your ears the love and attention they deserve this new year. We caught up with piercing babe Penny Burrows to get the down low on all things Maria Tash. Go on girl, go and get your ‘it piercing’ on.


What’s the best part about being part of the Maria Tash team?

The great team I get to work. working on amazing clients with different personalities. Being able to pierce with some of the best jewellery in the industry.


How long have you been piercing for?

I've been piercing for 4 years


Maria Tash is known to be a piercer to the stars. Have you pierced any familiar ears?

I’ve worked on Chloe Moretz and Dakota Fanning, I’ve also pierced KT Tunstall and La La Anthony.


How many piercings do you have?

I used to have a lot of facial piercings and micro dermals over the years that I've taken out, now I only wear have 13. 


Any advice for an ear-piercing virgin?

Keep calm and don't panic. It's always the nerves which are the worst part about getting any piercing! 


Does your ear shape effect piercing / style options?

Absolutely! Every ear is different which makes every ear styling individual. It's surprising how many people have a complex about the shape of their ear, simply because it doesn't seem to fit the "norm" but in a piercers eyes it's the holy grail! All the odd little curves and bends that you don't like allow you to do piercings that no one else will have. If you've got it flaunt it!


Where do you look for ear-spiration?

I take some of my inspiration from Instagram but I mostly take my inspiration from looking at a customer’s ear and working with them to achieve their vision.  


What’s the most popular piercing your asked for?

Lobes and Helix piercings are always the most common because they are timeless. Lately Daith piercings have been hugely popular as it’s a deep set piercing that doesn't look too "in your face" but also allows the wearer to experiment with more striking jewellery.


Favorite piece of Maria Tash jewellery?

Either the 3 diamond trinity or the lightning bolt 

Multiple piecing trend, is there a one size fits all?

Yes and no. Most triple piercing projects are achievable depending on the specific design the wearer is trying to achieve. But the jewellery size may have to change depending on the ear shape (I.e larger hoops for more rounded ear rims) 


How do you look after your ear after piercing?

I use a sterile saline wash to clean my piercing twice a day until fully healed. I also try my very hardest not to sleep on the piercing or touch it too often. 


If you weren’t a Maria Tash piercer, what would you be doing?

I love baking and before I became a piercer I used to have my own little home business. So probably doing that, or being a professional whistler.


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