Much to our surprise British Summertime has actually come through this year, hooooray! Did anyone actually anticipate the heatwave lasting this long?! Although we’re all having a great time hitting the park every lunch and spending our weekends roaming the streets in our favourite summer dresses, we need to talk about sun protection. We’ve come together with Cancer Research UK to spread an incredibly important message to all you sun seekers out there, that it is in-fact possible to enjoy the sunshine whilst protecting and owning your natural skin tone!
#OwnYourTone | Skinnydip London
Looking after your skin and owning your tone whether you’re fair, dark or any shade in-between is incredibly empowering. We invest so much time and money into skincare and make-up to make ourselves look and feel great, but we’re undoing all of that hard work by spending time baking in the sun, which can cause long-lasting damage both to the health of our skin and its appearance. So we’ve had a chat with mega-babe model and blogger Holly White (@hollyrebeccawhite) who’s passionate about embracing her own skin tone and not feeling the pressure to tan. She’s put together a few top tips on how to own your tone this Summer!
“Owning your tone can seem hard to do at first, especially in a world filled with tanning products and photoshopped imagery. However, over the years, I’ve really learnt the importance of feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin.
I’m a pale and freckly redhead, meaning when it comes to summer you’ll find me sitting in the shade and making sure I’ve applied sun cream to every inch of skin that could possibly end up being burnt. Whilst it may seem like a lot of hassle, my natural skin tone is important to me and I want to make sure I look after it this summer. So, with that being said, if you’re wondering how I’ll be owning my tone during this lovely sunny weather, here are a few of my tips for you…”
Sunglasses are super essential when it comes to protecting my eyes. My blue eyes are sooo sensitive to the bright sunshine, so a pair of sassy sunnies really goes a long way. And when I’m inside, they’re also great for keeping my hair off of my face too (everyone’s go-to summer hair accessory, am I right?!)
Amelie Pearl Sunglasses | Skinnydip London Gianna Tort Sunglasses | Skinnydip London Mia Rose Gold Aviator Sunglasses | Skinnydip London
I love wearing flowy dresses. My wardrobe is absolutely filled with them! They’re so easy to style up or down, depending on the occasion, and they’re perfect for covering up from the sun but still keeping nice and cool.
    Sun Hats
A stylish hat can never do you any wrong! Wide-brimmed sun hats are perfect for protecting your head from the sun, as well as helping to keep the sun off of your face.
Aloha Bitches Sun Hat | Skinnydip LondonThrowing Shade Sun Hat | Skinnydip London
As I mentioned before, sunscreen is important when it comes to looking after your skin and owning your tone this summer- so long as you use it right. I choose one that’s SPF 30 or above but SPF of at least 15, with 4 or 5 stars should be enough wherever you are in the world. The key thing is how you use it- apply plenty and often. I also wear sunscreen under makeup as the SPF in moisturiser or foundation isn’t enough to give adequate protection!
Lipsticks & Lip Balm
Skinnydip x Carmex Lolly Lip Balm | Skinnydip LondonFlamin' Hot Matte Lip Paint | Skinnydip London
I adore bright coloured lipsticks - red is always my favourite - to match my summer outfits. But, equally, I love just using a little bit of lip balm too. It helps to keep my lips nice and hydrated in the hot temperatures!
Packing All My Essentials
My days can be very different - sometimes I’m on photo shoots, sometimes I’m meeting friends or writing for my blog, so I always try and check the forecast. If I know it’s going to be a sunny day and the UV index will be high, I always make sure that I pack all my sun care essentials to take along with me! For example: hat, sunglasses, sun cream and maybe even a little cover up, so that I can #OwnMyTone wherever I am.
So there you have it, my 6 top tips to help keep your skin protected all summer long!
Keep safe guys xoxo