It’s nearly time! *cue the seriously excited cartwheel* Where we’re constantly reminded that we should have started our summer body mission 10 months back, and seriously considering spending £20 on a basic yet very necessary water bottle with our name on… There’s a long list of reasons why we’re so excited for this seasons Love Island, so whilst we eagerly await its arrival, we’ve put together a few of our fave couples over the last three series’ and we’re certain they’re going to be your type on paper too!
Hannah & Jon, Series 1
Firm favourites to win from the very beginning, Hannah and Jon were a match made in heaven. A down to earth Liverpudlian lass and a cheeky chappy from Essex coupled up from day one and went onto coming 2nd place in the first series! Not forgetting that they were the first (and last) marriage proposal on the show, with our favourite lines from Jon being ‘Every day you make me feel like a unicorn’ and ‘Love is mad, love is crazy, love makes me feel like a daisy. Love is scary, love is cool though. Loving you makes me feel like a rainbow’. We’re not 100% convinced the last line rhymes, but we're giving a strong 10/10 for effort!
Terry & Malin, Series 2
Now they weren’t necessarily our favourite couple… but they provided us with large amounts of entertainment and that’s why they’ve made the cut. Firstly, Malin completely trampled on her and Olivia’s long-standing 3-day friendship and blocked out the existence of girl code by getting with Terry, but boy did karma come back around – and we loved every minute of it! Emma’s arrival and Malin’s shock eviction from the island made for one very awkward lads night out after Scott & Terry were greeted by a very unexpected surprise guest #AWKWARD
Cara & Nathan, Series 2
From the start, it was clear that these two were made for each other. Similar to Hannah and Jon, these two coupled up from the very beginning and went on to win the show. Considering Cara was the only one to step forward for slightly short chippy by trade Nathan, the couple continued to grow from strength to strength and went through the show as one of the strongest couples. Oh, and the above picture became actual reality when Cara announced she was pregnant, the first love island baby!
Olivia & Alex, Series 2
There’s always one girl in every series, and poor Olivia went through the mill on her search for love in series 2. Fortunately, a little patience and perseverance paid off for Liv and although it was a rocky start (yes, we’re talking that night Alex + Zara spent in the penthouse) She’s now on her #bucktobowen hen do and about to marry the man of her dreams! Oh and not forgetting their super cute French bulldog Reggie!
Camilla & Jamie, Series 3
It’s no secret that Camilla was seriously unlucky in love, her prim, proper and gentle nature wasn’t popular choice amongst the lads in the villa last year but waiting patiently for her Prince Charming to arrive certainly paid off! A late-comer to the party, Jamie Jewitt arrived ready to sweep Camilla off her feet, if patience brings in a 6ft 2 Calvin Klein model through the door then we’re all for it!
Chris & Kem, Series 3
Now although these two weren’t an ‘official’ couple in Love Island lingo, they won the nation's hearts with their deep and meaningful convos, song lyrics & unbreakable boy code. Neither one of their ‘official’ couples has stood the test of time, but just like we predicted, Chris & Kem are still going strong. Tbh we’re kinda glad that their ‘little bit leave it’ attitude towards their Love Island relationships was used for the better, as now they have more time to focus all their energy on their everlasting bromance.