Ever wanted to know what it's like to be a male model? We met James on set to find out everything there is to know plus a few of his favourite things (personal things LOL). Trust us when we say you'll wanna know more! 

You’re a modelling PRO, how long did it take to perfect the pose?

It came naturally I just learnt to go with the flow of the photographers  

Modelling industry real talk: what modelling myths are defo not true?

That we don't eat!! I've been out with models we clean our plates and ask for seconds

What’s been your most glam moment yet?

Not really sure I'm not the glamour guy

Top tips for our Skinnydip new face to make it big time in the modelling world?

Stay true to you 

Wanna know more about James? Watch his Q&A with Emma Breschi below!
