1. Where do you get your style inspiration?

It’s a bit of a mix - I get a lot of inspiration from day to day life and people watching. Having said that, I’m also really interested in the cycles of fashion, I especially take a lot of inspiration from the 1960s and 1970s.

2. How did the brand start?

I was always making clothes but started selling pieces a little while after I graduated from my BA. I’d always wanted my own brand but tried to build quite gradually and steadily - I’m now coming up to my third season at London Fashion Week.

3. This is your first high street collaboration. Why did you choose Skinnydip London?

It’s a really fun brand with lots of personality - and everything is so beautifully made. There’s a lot of attention to detail - I really admire that and it’s something I make a huge effort to do with my own products.

4. What are Clio Peppiatt’s plans for the future?

To keep growing and improving!

5. You have so many celebrity fans like Dua Lipa & Kylie Jenner but who do you hope to see in Clio Peppiatt one day?

Beth Ditto or Rihanna - I love women with lots of attitude and personality.


6. What is your daily routine? 

I wake up around 7am, after a couple of coffees I’m  normally sat down to work by 8.30am. At the moment my days are 90% taken up with emailing and organising with a little bit of creative work. I make sure to give myself a few breaks throughout the day even if it’s just to have a little wander and walk around. I’m based in West London just off Portobello road so there’s always loads to do and see. 

7. What's keeping you busy atm?

Working up to Fashion Week and organising the look book shoot! I’m working with a very talented and creative bunch which makes it all the more exciting.

8. Describe your style in three words...

More is more!

9. What's been one of the best moments in your career? 

I loved seeing it when the pictures of Lena Dunham wearing one of my coats came out - it was shot by Ellen Von Unwerth. So was quite surreal all round.

10. If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?

David Bowie’s tour wardrobe

11. What is the piece of clothing you couldn't live without?

Lovely underwear - I think it’s probably one of the most important stage of getting dressed

12. What is your favourite Skinnydip item? 

The lobster caviar clutch is genius

13. Will Clio Peppiatt ever delve into the world of menswear?

I’d never say never - but I think I’m more drawn to the idea of doing a kidswear range one day

