How did you become an artist?
I've always loved drawing and as a kid I spent a lot of time sketching and painting, I always thought I would end up being a fine artist or an illustrator. Then in eighth grade, I got my first Mac and spent a lot of time online and discovered web design. My best friend and I would make little websites dedicated to things we liked, artists, musicians, and random things we thought were funny or cool. Eventually we started a blog where we combined our interests and wrote about our day to day lives and I would make a new design for it every few months. Slowly we gained a following and after a while people would leave comments or message us about creating designs for their blog. At this point I knew I wanted to go to an art school but wasn't sure which direction I would go in.

Your aesthetic is really fun, where do you get your inspiration?
I am inspired by a lot of things. Hayao Miyazaki, surrealist art, Maurizio Cattelan, music videos, movies, fashion, travel, the list goes on. I love work that has a bit of humour or makes you see something an entirely new way.

What is your favourite piece of work to date?
It's tough to choose, I like each work for different reasons. I think my favourite project right is my painted fruit series.

Any advice for budding artists?
Don't be afraid to go for what you really want. I think deep down everyone knows what would make them happy in terms of a job or career, but they doubt themselves or talk themselves out of thinking it's possible. When you do start, stick with it, even if you have moments where you question or doubt yourself. Have fun and don't take yourself too seriously.

What’s your favourite NY hotspot?
Ooh there are so many great spots in NYC. For food I love Miss Lily's (the great interior decoration doesn't hurt either), Minca for ramen, Motorino for pizza and Woorjip for Korean. The Met is my favourite art museum in NY. If you have a sweet tooth and like ice cream, go to Magnum in Soho.

What’s your favourite thing to photograph?
I don't know if I have one favourite thing to photograph, I've been doing a lot of food styling lately which is a ton of fun (and messy!).

What’s your next project?
I have a few collaborations and client projects which I am super excited about.

