Daisy Keens AKA PieandFash is THE fluff queen we’re in love with. When Daisy’s blog isn’t giving us all MAJOR wardrobe envy, she’s chatting about everything from clothes to nipples to Netflix and we can’t get enough! We had a quick chinwag with Daisy to get an insight into her fabulous mind…

How did you get in to blogging? 

I've always been into wordy-type posts - feminism and fannies are my jam - but, in terms of chronicling my sometimes-garish, sometimes-glorious get-ups, an old boss of mine encouraged me to hop in front of the cam! It's been a beautiful mash-up of the two ever since.

What’s your favourite shop? 

DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE! Honestly though, I'm a pretty fair-weather shopper, just going where the mood takes me. Obviously I'm all for ASOS, Toppers, Zara et al but I occasionally give Avenue 32 a visit and haul items galore into my wishlist, waiting patiently for them to drop into sale. #foreverskint

What’s your most prized item of clothing? 

Okay, this is easy. I once spent an entire six-month period obsessing over one coat - a pastel-coloured sheepskin coat from the Topshop X Meadham Kirchhoff collaboration - and, one fateful day, I GOT IT! There are only four of them in the world and ONE OF THEM IS IN MY WARDROBE. You can tell that I'm still pretty psyched about it, right?

Who’s wardrobe would you love to raid? 

Anna Dello Russo. What a woman, what a wardrobe. Failing that, Lil' Kim circa 1999.

What fashion era do you love? 

The late nineties and early noughties are my jam. Basically anything that, retrospectively, evokes a reaction of  'UGH, WHY DID WE WEAR THAT?!' All that stuff = heart eyes.

How many furry items of clothing do you actually own? 

My penchant for all things furry  has seriously impacted my wardrobe space because I think I'm waaaay into double figures now. A gal can never have too many jackets (and caps, and scarves, and elaborate feather chokers, and trainer pom poms), y'know?

What’s your fave Instagram account right now? 

Dyspnea (@dyspnea_) is an Aussie brand that's choc-a-bloc with the furry stuff and their Instagram is phenomenal. Fluffy fairy meets Rihanna kinda vibe (faiRIH?) <3

What’s always in your bag? 

My bag is essentially a second wardrobe, forever full to the brim with spare undies, a few plain white tees, a pair of trousers and a change of shoes. Beneath all of that you'll find about 10 lip balms, tampons galore and Minstrels.

Who are you listening to right now? 

Right this very instant? Elton John's Tiny Dancer. Later on today? Probably Elton John's Tiny Dancer.

What’s your styling top tip? 

Wear things that, above all else, you feel comfortable in; literally and figuratively! Trying new things is amazing but if you don't feel comfortable in what you're wearing, it'll show. And absolutely no one wants to spend the day trotting about in something that they don't feel good in. If you feel great in what you're decked out in, you'll look great. Simples.

Catch up with Daisy here: 

Instagram: @Pieandfash

Twitter: @Pieandfash

Blog: www.pieandfash.com
