Alicia Roddy's insta is filling our newsfeeds with wardrobe #Goals. With her ultimate-babe style and to-die-for statement pieces, we cannot get enough. We wanted to know more, from her style influence to her handbag essentials...

What made you get into blogging?

I've always enjoyed reading other bloggers posts and seeing how they style different items, and it made me realize that's what I wanted to do.

Who do you get your fashion inspo from?

So many people! But I love 'weworewhat' on instagram, her style is amazing and I always go to there for everyday outfit inspo.

Who/what is your guilty pleasure?

Fake tan, haha. I can go a bit over the top with it, I think I've put about 5 layers on before!

What are your handbag essentials?

Keys, purse, lipstick - the usual really. Oo and also a portable charger always! My phone is always dying so actually need to take the portable charger EVERYWHERE.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

A Burrito bowl, I love them and I don't think I'd ever get bored of it.

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe whose would it be?

Kylie Jenners, she has everything.


Quick Fire Round 
Tom Hardy or David Beckham?

Tom Hardy

Flats or heels?

Flats unless they're boots then I love a heeled boot.

Chocolate or sweets?

Chocolate 100%, I'm not a sweets kinda person really.

Justin Bieber or Harry Styles?

Is it bad to say neither? 

Summer or winter?

Summer for the weather, winter for the clothes! 



Follow Alicia

Instagram: @lissyroddyy
YouTube: lissyroddyy -
