This months Skinnydip blogger of the month is Geordie girl with a VIP edge Carmen Wood. We've known this social savvy gal for a few years now and love the way she mixes vintage with high street. We caught up with Carmen on blogging, style and what she would do if she was invisible... cheeky!

How did you start blogging?
After graduating from Uni with a degree in Fashion & Textiles, I went straight into working a non-fashion related job (girls got bills to pay) and was in desp' need of a creative outlet. I'd been reading blogs and watching YouTube vids for a while, so I decided to give it a shot! It's a great hobby that has opened so many doors for me, and not to mention all the amazing mates I've made over the years, some of which will be my bestie's for life! Best decision I ever made was starting to share my #OOTD's on the t'interwebz! 

Whats your style.
It varies from day-to-day, so it's difficult to put a label on it. I love to experiment with fashion and try different trends but I'm definitely at my most comfortable in a pair of jeans, a tee and Converse! #BasicBitch

If you could raid someones wardrobe, whose would it be?
I don't even have to think about this one - it would 100% be Pandora Sykes! She is the ultimate fashionista IMHO, and my go-to on Insta if I'm in need of a bitta outfit inspo! I honestly think she could rock a binbag, with a pair of crocs and make it look fashun!

Fave Skinnydip item?
I love the plushie stickers. I'm all about customisation and making things your own - so fun!

Fave piece of clothing you couldn’t live without?
Hmmm this is a tough one, as I have so many vintage items that I've bought/acquired over the years that hold a special place in my wardrobe ...and my heart! My latest vintage addition definitely deserves a mention - it's a gorgeous suede vintage Versace jacket which I found on EtsyUK - that's a beaut! So versatile and timeless! Oh and I pretty much live in my Topshop (faux) snakeskin boots - they'll be getting re-heeled and soled for many years to come!

Best blogging tip?
Get social! Make sure your content is the best it can be, upload at peak times and hashtag the shit out of it! Like and comment on brands/fellow bloggers content - whether that be on their Instagram, Twitter, blogs... you'll start getting yourself on relevant people's radar and potentially making great contacts along the way. BUT whatever you do, don't be spammy - none of those 'follow for follow' comments, ya hear! Ain't nobody got time for that ;) Also, consistency is key (something I preach but don't practice) - if people know to expect new blog content on Sunday's and Wednesday's at 6pm, then they're more likely to come back and check out your latest offerings. 

So yeah, it's all about the 3 C's - content, community and consistency!

Whats keeping you busy atm?
WERK!! I started a new job recently, as Social Media Manager for a brand spanking new social commerce platform - Social Superstore! We're launching very soon and preparing to take over the world - so get excited! - check it! 

If you were invisible for the day what would you do?
If I'm being completely honest with you... it would most likely involve a trip to the handbag section of Selfridges with ma swag-bag #SorryNan Oh and I'd spook a few people out for lols, obvs! 

Keep up to date with Carmen on



