Here at Skinnydip we are always loving super cute stationary, jewellery or just a little something to brighten up our day, so when we came across Andsmile Studio and Viktorija, the designer/maker behind the brand we were dying to find out more about how it all works! If you are a Wes Anderson fan (like we are) or just love beautifully intricate illustrations in the form of brooches, jewellery, notebooks and so much more, you'll love Andsmile! 

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how AndSmile started…
My name is Viktorija and I graduated with a degree in Illustration and had no idea what to do with my creative life. I just kept drawing, working at my day job and dreaming of drawing for a living and one day my friend opened a furniture pop up shop and asked if I could sell him some greeting cards with my designs, so I did and started my etsy shop with a few cards and prints. And after that I just couldn’t stop making brooches, earrings and thinking of other ideas of products with my drawings.
You work with shrink plastic with your illustrations, how did that come about?
I really wanted to create wearable drawings and I tried a few materials before coming across shrink plastic. It gave me the freedom to create small runs of products to test the grounds and after time I just fell in love, it’s a great and fun material. I draw mainly with watercolours and gouache and absolutely love the texture you can achieve with these mediums.

You have so many super cute products, whats your fave?!
I’m really bad with that, my favourite is usually the latest design I create (oops!).
What's the AndSmile studio space like?
It’s quite small and very light. With lots of organising tools (several diaries, planners and post it notes all over the place). 

Where does your inspiration for AndSmile come from/who's your biggest creative inspiration?
 My inspiration comes from many places around me, walks in the park, visiting museums and Wes Anderson films of course. It’s so hard to pin point who’s my biggest creative inspiration there are way too many amazing and talented people I admire.

Since your journey started in 2012, what's been the highlight for AndSmile?
I think the moment I was able to do this full-time in 2013, that’s my highlight and I hope to continue doing what I love and hopefully make people smile.

Do you have any exciting new projects or themes coming up soon?
 I’m pretty excited about my new collection which I plan to release end of April. YAY!

If you could have a super power for the day, what would it be and why?
 Ohhh, flying for sure!!! That would be amazing.
If you want to see more of Viktorija's work, check it out here...