Need some style inspo? Look no further! Our blogger of the month Helibells, AKA Helena Lester-Card is our ultimate style crush! The 23 year old babein blogger started her own vintage clothing emporium Sassy World whilst at Uni and hasn't looked back since! When Helena's not hanging with her blogger pals Confetti Crowd you can find her at the local pubs hip hop night or hanging out with her super cute cats... SWOON!

OH HI Helena, how did you start your blog, Helibells?
Hey bbz, I started it as a uni project when I first started in 2011 and have carried it on ever since!

Describe your personal style
Colourful and some may say a little on the crazy side!

What has been the biggest highlight of your blogging career?
Joining Confetti Crowd- the UK’s first blogger girl gang and a group of amazingly talented, sassy and colourful individuals who are all now my good friends!

Ok, so SASSY WORLD is the best thing that we have ever seen! Can you tell us about it?
Ahh thank you so much! I started it as my final major project at uni with full intentions of making it my dream career. It’s been nearly a year since it launched now! I basically wanted to create an online destination full of colourful, unique clothes and accessories as I was so bored of all the dull mass-produced high street stuff out there. I also wanted to encourage girls to feel more confident with how they dress and promote girl power!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
My Meadham Kirchhoff x Topshop rainbow crochet dress- it’s my go to dress for special occasions and also days when I just want to dress up!

What trend will you be wearing this Spring/Summer?
I don’t really stick to trends any more; I just keep it colourful and printed all year round I guess!

What’s your favourite high st brand atm?
I love ASOS! They hold so many different brands! It’s the only place I shop really other than vintage places or charity shops.

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
Fran Fine from the sitcom ‘The Nanny’ in the 90s!

What’s your favourite item by Skinnydip?
It’s a toughie because it’s all so cute and fun! At the moment I’m obsessed with your mermaid holographic shell bag and the pink and red lips pouch! <3

Any tips for starting a brand/shop?
Be ambitious, patient and persistent! It’s not as easy as you may think and takes a lot of sacrifice, but it’s all worth it when you’re doing something you really love and enjoy.

What is your most treasured possession?
My cats! Does that count?

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
@zebalowe who is the head of fashion at ASOS, so I can get sneaky peeks of my fave mag (asos mag)

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
How Two Live is my all time favourite blog! They’re a pair of blogging sister dream boats.

What is your dream career?
Sassy World is my dream career because I get to do all the things I love- buying, photography, styling, social media and so much more!

Sassiest thing you have EVER said?!
I don’t really speak sass, I just breathe it LOLLLL *insert crying emojis*

If you were invisible for a day you would…
Paint everyone and everything rainbow coloured. The world would be a much happier place!

 Keep up to date with Helena...



