Continuing on our Young British Talent feature we caught up with Megan K Jones, a 22 year old Graphic Design graduate from Camberwell College of Arts. Megan's colourful illustration style caught our eye over Instagram and we love the illustrations she has exclusively designed for us! Check out Megan's illustration's below along with a Q&A!


 How long have you been drawing?
I can’t really remember but according to my mum, since I was 2. So pretty much from the moment I was able to get my hands on a crayon! 

What's the inspiration behind your illustrations?
I go through stages but currently it would have to be lifestyle and fashion illustrations from the 50’s and 60’s. I’ve been obsessed for a while and I’ve got some amazing books filled with hundreds of these beautiful illustrations. I’m young and still trying to develop my style so I’m currently playing around a lot. At the moment I’m trying to recreate a similar illustration style but through digital art, which can be quite challenging. It isn’t as freeing as traditional methods but I’m finding ways to try and overcome that! As for the content of my illustrations, I draw what I love and things that inspire me. It’s as simple as that!

 What's your favourite illustration to date and why?
I illustrated a scene from my favourite movie ‘Shaun of the Dead’ when I was lacking any creative motivation. However, that quickly changed when the actor Nick Frost and Director Edgar Wright retweeted my drawing. I nearly died. Nick Frost then said he loved it and I nearly died again. BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE.


Describe your personal style
Monochrome and basic. I don’t really do colour but it makes it easier when getting ready in the morning because everything goes together! My daily outfit usually includes a t-shirt/shirt, skinny jeans and heeled boots. Then I’m all about the jewellery. I’m a big, big fan of silver jewellery and gemstones! It’s usually through accessories that I like to have fun. 

What’s your favourite blog to read?
It would have to be ‘It’s Nice That’. It’s important to keep up to date on trends and what’s going on in the design world. I particularly like this blog because of how it covers different areas of design such as illustration, graphic design, book design and many more, all of which I have covered on my course at university.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I find this a difficult question to answer because I honestly have no idea. I just hope to be happy and doing something that I love but successfully!

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
I’m constantly following illustrators. I think it’s important to surround yourself with creative people who can in turn help fuel your creativity, even if that’s through social networking!

Whats your favourite Skinnydip item?
I recently bought an iPhone 6 and there seems to be a lack of fun cases, so I would definitely have to go for the iPhone 6 Unicorn Case. Who wouldn’t want unicorns on their phone!

 Check out Megan's work here:



Instagram: @megankjonesillustration

Twitter: @megankjones

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