We have big love for our blogger of the month Helen Anderson AKA Melon Lady! The Norwich born and bred blogger, youtuber and front woman of cool band Box of Light is an online sensation and all around Q-T! We love keeping up with Melon Lady and her super cute sausage dog Lola Chops! Fancy a Melon Lady fun fact? "Baby pigs are like puppys and it makes my heart melt". What's not to love about this girl?


OH HEY Helen the Melon Lady, tell us where ‘Melon Lady’ came from!
Well my name has always been melon - like I never even asked anyone to call me it, it just happened. Then in all honesty, not thinking blogging or youtubing would take off, I named myself Melonlady because Melon wasn't available haha!!

Is Melon your favourite fruit?
No mango is actaully lol lol lol

Describe your personal style.
I like grunge, kitsch, rock n roll and retroness

What has been the biggest highlight of your blogging career?
Creating an awesome loving family like fan base!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
My high waste Mom jeans

What trend will you be rocking this AW?
Fedora, Longcoat, big scarfs, layering and chunky Boots - and a coffin.

Where and when can we check out your band Box of Light?
We have our own youtube channel, facebook and spotify, But you can see us around London over christmas plying some shows.

What’s your favourite high street brand atm?
I loooooove topshop jeans and h&m have some fab bits! Also Primark's game is pretty strong too!

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
Audrey Kitching - she's my style icon!

What’s your favourite item from the Skinnydip AW14 collection?
The Rubbery Unicorn phone case and all the fluffy stuff

Style tip?
Dress to your body, I've been dressing better recently and everyone thinks I've lost like a zillion stone!

What is your most treasured possession?
Sherman - He's my singing teddy (and my phone)

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
It was HealthyHungryHappy - lots of healthy yummy recipes from a girl that lost looooads of weight, so she's super honest and relatable

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
I dont really read blogs apart from my friends, but I love interior design blogs!

What is your dream career?
Animal Documentary Maker or super popstar megastar!

If you were invisible for a day you would…
Rob a bank, Rob a car, push people, lick people, bring homeless people burgers, then walk around naked and dance in the street.

 Keep up to date with Helen:



