Continuing our blogger of the month feature we caught up Oxford gal Amy-Rose Watts, half of blogging duo, Two Shoes One Pair (TSOP). Fashionistas/BFF's Amy and Naomi have been blogging together for a year now and can mix and match patterns like pros! We caught up with Amy below about her style and dream career! ... Also we couldn't help but include this super cute pic of her with her little bab. SO CUTE!

Your other half of Two Shoes One Pair, Naomi was our May blogger of the month. How was it setting up your joint blog?
It was set up as a little venture for us to work on together when we parted ways at work but it was mainly an excuse to see each other every week! We never thought it would become what it has.

I bet your combined wardrobes is like Aladdin’s cave…who has more clothes?
I dread to think! I'm better at selling old pieces but Naomi has to share her wardrobe with her boyfriend! I don't think I could ever do that.

Describe your personal style
Eclectic! Smart/casj with a 90s influence and collar obsessed.

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
A crisp white shirt. 

What trend will you be rocking this summer?
I've been going for less is more! Sleek, simple, and a bit sportier than I used too, even better if it's monochrome! 

What’s your favourite high street brand atm?
Zara - I need to have everything 

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
Oh Kate Moss, what a babe!

What’s your favourite item from the Skinnydip SS14 collection?
The tropical bling iPhone case! The more gems the better!

Style tip?
'Its not head to toe, it's ear to ear because you're never fully dressed without a smile'

What is your most treasured possession?
My mum gave me a ring with the words 'be strong' engraved on the day my daughter was born. All 3 of us own one but it hasn't and will never come off my finger.

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
@asos_megan - my fave fashion blogger has just got a personal stylist job at asos and this is her work account! 

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
Pages By Megan, Lurch Hound Loves and EJStyle Blog.

What is your dream career?
If I could sing it'd be to play Elphaba in Wicked but I can't so to be someone's personal stylist! Maybe Fearne Cotton? I'd want to be her friend too! 

If you were invisible for a day you would…
I'd get on a plane to Cali! Not sure how I'd get back though  

Wanna keep up to date with the TSOP gals? Check out their blog here:

