This month the super talented Becky Baier has created out of this world gifs for our Young British Talent feature. Becky is a freelance artist, illustrator and all around mega babe who has worked with Selfridges, Doc Martens and H&M. Focusing on our space themed range we caught up with Becky below...

How long have you been illustrating for?
Since I was old enough to pick up a crayon and scribble on the walls. I went on (many years later) to study illustration at Brighton University where my work constantly changed and developed. I found my personal style of working near the end of my final year and jumped straight into freelancing after I graduated. 

Where do you get your inspo from?
I try to keep my self constantly inspired by going to exhibitions, reading, watching films etc. The internet is an amazing resource, it’s easy to spend hours scrolling through design blogs and looking at other artists work, but I find most of my creative ideas come when I’m just walking around, taking things in. 

What is your fave piece of work to date?
It would probably have to be an old personal piece titled 'Over the hills’. It was one of my earliest collages I created whilst at Brighton, I often referred back to this piece during my time at uni when I was feeling lost and unsure of my direction.

Describe your personal style.
Surreal figurative collage

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope to still be making my own work and getting paid for it! I'd love to own a space where I could curate exhibitions and put on events. 

Fave Skinnydip product?
I absolutely LOVE my new spacey glittery phone case. 

What are your tips for aspiring creatives?
Network and make good contacts, These contacts can be a huge help throughout your career, but especially at the beginning when you need a helping hand. The more work you do the more you get. :D 

What is your biggest career achievement to date?
I’ve recently finished a job doing the artwork in store for H&M which was amazing, and I am currently co-curating a 3 part exhibition series with Red Bull Studios which I am hugely excited about. 

What are your 3 favourite things in the world?
my sister, CHEESE, and my little jack russel Twix

Check out more of Becky's work on her website, Twitter & Instagram
