Who needs Valentine’s Day when you’ve got Galentine’s Day?! Created by number one female inspo Lesley Knope in our fave show Parks & Recreations, the 13th February is all about celebrating your fearless female friends, and here’s why we ALL need a day to love the ladies in our lives… 


It’s ALWAYS fun getting the girls together, whether you’re out partying or staying in refreshing Instagram in silence, girl time is the BEST time.



Your girls are there for you through thick and thin. Through your Avril Lavigne tie phase to wiping away your tears for the 50th time over your ex, they deserve a little pat on the back for all that they do


It’s the perfect excuse to get glam and get out! No one is safe when you and your squad hit the dancefloor.  

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You can spread the love all day long, not just with your pals! Whether it’s the hairdresser who gets your curls looking fresh, or the super babe shop assistant in Skinnydip that gives you that extra bit of love whilst you shop, make sure you extend that Galentine’s love out to all the fabulous females today!


And lastly, although you may argue and disagree sometimes, never forget that it’s sisters before misters. Ovaries before brovaires. These are your gals, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.


