We're starting October in typical Skinnydip style with our Young British Talent feature! 
Let us introduce you to Jade Spranklen, a fabulousss British illustrator, other wise known as Sprankenstein over on instagram where she creates her #instaspranks on your pictures!! We managed to grab Jade for a quick chat all about her incredible art! 

How long have you been illustrating for?

I suppose I have been drawing in some way or form since I was in Secondary School! But I have been doing it as a profession since I graduated 4 years ago. I just jumped straight into freelancing, deciding it was sink or swim. Initially I religiously used pen and paper to illustrate, and if I’m honest it is my favourite way to illustrate. But more recently I have been dipping my toes in the digital waters. It’s a lot of fun!

 Where do you get your inspiration from?

I am really into the weirdest stuff. Sometimes I get inspired by sinister things like the gritty history of London and I have a thing for mudlarking, reconstructing the past and ghost stories.

As for artists and creatives, I will always be a sucker for Tim Burton, Frida Khalo and the fetishes within Alexander McQueen’s work. While I am working, I like to listen to instrumentals from films like Pan’s Labyrinth and Chocolat, so I guess that inspires me as well! It helps me create the ‘Sprankenstein’ world in my mind.

Have you always been a creative individual?

I think in a way, yes. Although it wasn’t completely obvious in a physical manifestation when I was a child. It showed more then through my imagination which I think was a bit extreme. I definitely remember being in my own world 99% of the time. I only started creating and drawing in school, and more seriously when I failed my Further Maths A-Level epically and had to pick up another subject; Art. But before that, I really thought I would just end up in something academic. Maybe history. Definitely not maths.

 How would you describe your personal style?

Playfully sinister. Not too serious and not too precious. 

 Where d’ you see yourself in 10 years?

Oh…In an daydream of a world, I’d want Sprankenstein to become a project that is involved in making weird and wonderful feature length films and animations (I want to be the next Tim Burton, hahaha). I have always written short stories and poems about strange characters and their even stranger lives so to see these alive and moving would be the ABSOLUTE dream. 

 What is your favourite Skinnydip product?

Oooh I love your phone cases! The ‘Fern’ case is my favourite though.


Thanks Jade! 

Remember to go check Jade out on Instagram (here)  to see more of her super cool, super sassy illustrations!  
