We're kicking off September with a new Young British Talent feature. Let us introduce you to Faye Finney, a graphic design graduate based in Nottingham. Inspired by every day life, Faye creates a wide range of illustrations pulling themes from travel, children’s stories, animals and culture. We love her style; her kardashihund print is a firm favourite! 
Faye's style is SO Skinnydip - just look how adorable our personalised pieces are below!
We caught up with Faye to find out more...
When did you start illustrating?
When I was 5, I remember doing a drawing of 'what I wanted to be when I grew up'. It was a Ballerina and I remember all my teachers telling my mum how they hadn’t seen anyone draw to such a high standard at that at that age (I guess they were into impressionism...in pink). From then on, Neil Buchanan of Art Attack fame became my personal hero and entering blue peter drawing competitions were my dirty little secret. 2 years on from graduating, here I am being a professional illustrator. My dreams of becoming a ballerina are temporarily shelved.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get inspiration from all over the place. Nature, ridiculously cheesy jokes, pastel coloured things, food, drink, amazing branding, people's personalities and children's books. So many times people have just said things to me which I'll unashamedly steal as source for an illustration, as in: 'thats funny, you're brilliant, I'm illustrating that!'.


How would you describe your personal style?
Depending on purpose or commission my style can change. I think I’m known for putting my crazy hand rendered type with (almost) everything and i've been told that I do 'cute' very well. I also love pastel colours, a lot. I like to keep experimenting and developing my approach though, I think that's the fun thing about illustrating/art in general!
What is the favourite of your illustrations to date and why?
Hmmm, errrm... this changes ALL the time. I like my ice cream ones as they are super girly and colourful and mainly nostalgic and summer related. However, I would probably have to say 'Kardashihund' because it's just so ridiculous.
Which is your favourite Skinnydip product?
This is a toughy! I'm loving the Dino backpack right now, that's definitely on my wish list and then my second fave is the doughnut police phone case! 
Check out more of Faye's work here: www.fayefinney.com