Here at Skinnydip we love anything to do with emojis and sequins. FACT. That's why when we stumbled across King Sophie's World on Instagram we died and went to glitterati heaven! King Sophie's World creates AMAZING emoji sequin patches that will change your life! It may sound like we are being way over dramatic but we have so much love for this brand and caught up with the creative gal behind it below...

Hey Sophie! How did you initially get into making sequin patches?
I started off making tops that were completely hand embroidered with sequins, it was so time consuming. Over time I realised it would be faster to sew onto smaller pieces of fabric that could be sewn on individually This gradually evolved into selling 'patches', that people can sew onto whatever they want to. I've always liked making collages, it reminds me of that process but your jacket / bag / dress is the canvas! Fashion has become so conformist, you're sold an 'image' but to me its always been a way to experiment with who you are and find a personal style that appeals to you. I like patches because you have the freedom to leave your own mark on things.

When you hit a creative block - where do you get your inspo from?
I don't struggle with creative blocks, what I'm always hitting is 'logic blocks'. Sometimes my mind literally draws a blank when I try to organise my ideas logically. If you need help with thinking creatively, I would say find time to feed your curiosities, get a change of scenery, go for a walk, zone out, do anything to disassociate with the logical side of your mind! If all else fails read some books on how creativity works, its not some mystical process, its just the way you think. 

Describe King Sophies World's style in 3 words...
Unconventional, bold, intricate.

What is your fave patch that you have ever made?
I like different patches for different reasons but if someone put a gun to my head I'd probably say something from the 'Bad Aliens' collection.

If you had to listen to a song on repeat for a day - what would it be?
I always listen to songs on repeat, if I like something I get really obsessed with it! I can't stop listening to Dreams by Fleetwood Mac at the moment. Stevie Nick's is my spirit animal, I love that woman! 


What can we expect to come from you in the future? More sequin madness or exploring new area's? 
I'm going to continue making hand embroidered sequin pieces but they're going to be on a larger scale, more detailed and one-offs. I also want to start working with mediums that aren't so time consuming. I want to make hybrid fashion/art pieces, ready to wear works of art. I have two sides of me, one that wants to make intricately handmade beautiful things and the other that wants to make t-shirts. I don't put limitations on myself, I just want to follow what makes me happy.

Backpack or Bumbag if you had to choose?

Out of Skinnydip's products - what's your fave? 
I like the PURR EVIL kitty case, it reminds me of my cat who has a permanent resting bitchface and looks like he's plotting to take over the world.

Keep up to date with King Sophie's World here:


