Hey up! It's blogger of the month time and this May we're chatting to the final 1/5 of the Confetti Crowd gang, Tigerlilly Cheyenne Winfield. At 19 years old this Brighton girl has amazing style. Working as a freelance photographer and blogger you can normally find Tiger raving and misbehaving somewhere… or under a big pile of clothes in a charity shop searching for bargains. We caught up with the super stylish Tiger below...

Hi Tiger, how did you start your blog, Easy Tiger?
I started a blog when I was 14 when I stumbled across this blog called the stylish wanderer, she was the same age as me but with wicked style and I wanted to be just like her. So I started a blog called roses tea and the union jack (lol wtf was I thinking) and it went no where so when I started college I made a new blog and documented my outfits, wrote about my life and somehow it actually took off and people actually took interest in me and my style. 

Describe your personal style.
Hippy festival boho vibes but with a bit of an urban twist. I like to take inspiration from cowboys and hippys in majority of my outfits. 

What has been the biggest highlight of your blogging career?
Definitely the Nike Look of The City campaign that I did with confetti crowd, that was pretty major!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
My fringe leather jacket and my hats. I probably have over 15 different types of hats. 

What trend will you be wearing this Spring/Summer?
Flares flares flares flares flares. I’ve been rocking flares for a while now and I aint stopping anytime soon!

What’s your favourite high street brand atm?
I don’t have one at the moment, I feel like high street is really lacking originality at the moment, I can never find anything I’m in love with. Its all so boring! 

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
Probably lulutrixabelles and I actually raided it the other day, it was AWESOME

What’s your favourite item by Skinnydip?
The cutie patootie cactus case, I luuuurve it!

Any tips for starting a blog?
Be original and consistent.

What is your most treasured possession?
In terms of clothing definitely my mums old denim jacket,  a orange embroidered cape attached to it. Her designer friend made it for her in the 80’s and its the only one in the world.

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
berkermanblog . They are these 2 really cool sisters that dress really out there and fun. 

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
Either lulutrixabelles or mika francis, both who are my friends but both their style is so original and always a pleasure to read what my friends are getting up to. 

What is your dream career?
Photographer for Id magazine or dazed and confused, travelling the world and snapping on my way! I’d also love to create my own festival called Tigerfest aaaand have easy tiger shops around the world where you can buy funky clothing that I designed. 

If you were invisible for a day you would…
Go on an adventure and probably steal loads of food and clothes. Thats bad isn't it. 




