This month, our Young British Talent is Tuesday Logan! With such a loveable and cutesy aesthetic we are loving Tuesday's illustrations of her fave Skinnydip products. Scroll down to find more of Tuesday's illustrations and see what we chatted about when we caught up with her in a Q&A! 

How long have you been drawing for?
Since I was a little girl! I drew over everything but mostly the walls. We also had a big box filled with felt tip pens (mostly dried up from use) so whenever friends came over I’d force them to sit with me and scribble!

How would you describe your illustration style?
It hasn’t changed much from when I was a toddler, so I guess it’s little childlike and playful. I’m ok at doing accurate drawings but I just find them so boring so I stick to my funny faced wonky people.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I’m really into comics so I’m always listening and watching people, waiting for something silly to happen that I can work into something funny. I’m definitely inspired by people and conversations.

Do you have a favourite medium to work with?
I play around with anything I can get my hands on but I tend to use copic markers and any black liner I can get my hands on for most of the work I share online.

How important is social media to your work?
Very! It’s how I share almost everything! I’m way too shy to approach people in person and say “Hey, look at this thing what I drew,” so social media lets me do that without too much fear. People liking the things you make is the greatest feeling.

What’s your favourite piece of work to date and why?
I recently did a short comic strip of a girl on a bike and posted it on my Tumblr. I really enjoyed making it, but my favourites change all the time. I get tired of my work fast which I think is a good thing, it allows me to keep experimenting and having fun.

And finally, what’s your favourite piece from the current Skinnydip collection?!
I'm obsessed with the Milk Cross Body Bag! It's so, so cute!

Check out more of Tuesday's illustration here: 

