Ok, so admit it... You have around 100 pairs of shoes in the house right? We thought so! Well get ready to add a few more to your growing collection from super edgy East London based brand, Miista! The footwear brand is a creative must have for your feet. From holographic brogues to lace up sandals Miista have your new shoes for summer covered. 

We caught up with Laura Villasenin, head designer, owner of Miista and all around mega babe below...

Why did you decide to start your brand?
Working for other brands didn’t quite give the satisfaction – the creative freedom was lacking. I thought I was crazy going into it during the financial crisis but I felt I had the experience to do it, and sometimes it pays to be a bit fearless. Of course there have been crash courses in this and that, but it’s been 100% worth it.

Where do you get the inspiration for your designs from?
Anywhere and everywhere. There’s extensive research that goes into each collection, but ideas stem from all the things we come across. It can present itself in the form of a song or a film, it can be a force of nature, a place we’ve visited or a person we’ve met. We’re always on a lookout!

How would you sum up Miista in 3 words?
Independent, irreverent and curious.

Does being based in Hackney influence you?
Definitely. There’s always something new and interesting here, things never feel stale. It’s a place where people don’t imitate the catwalk, but rather where the catwalk comes to find inspiration.

Do you have a favourite piece from your current collection?
I always say it’s like picking a favourite child. You shouldn’t really, you know? From our SS15 collection it’s maybe Claudine – it’s a leather high top on an espadrille sole.

What do you love most about having your own brand, what's been the highlight so far?
The creative freedom of course is one thing, but the most amazing part is to see our shoes worn by cool people all over the world. Nothing beats that!

How would you describe a Miista girl?
Tricky! A Miista woman isn’t a one specific person. She could be a teenager, or she could be in her 70s. She might be an artist or an exotic dancer, a medical student or a business executive. It’s a real strong mix. What ties them together is a strong sense of style. They’re assertive and adventurous, always after something a little bit unusual.

What's next for the brand, what do you have planned for the future?
The plan is to keep dreaming up unusual things and experimenting with materials. We're still planning on launching a men's line eventually too. More concrete is our plan to run a pop-up on Redchurch Street, starting mid April. So far we've been all about online and wholesale, so it's super exciting for us to do this. We only confirmed the location this week so this is the first time we're announcing it actually. The opening night will be on the 16th of April and we'll be there until the 7th of June. 




