Lucy Rance is one of the sassiest girls you will ever meet. FACT! The 22 year old blogger babe from Hertfordshire can probs be found in YO! Sushi when not working on her blog and own fashion design label, Fluffy! We caught up with Lucy about her personal style and how she has grown her blog over a whopping 5 years! Get ready for some serious girl crushing...

Hi Lucy, how did you start your blog, Lulu Trixabelle?
My mum actually used to blog about 7 years ago, and I always thought it was weird! I was like “who actually reads this?!” but soon enough I was hooked!

Describe your personal style.
I would say my style can be quite unexpected – I don’t stick to one particular style, I love mixing it up. One day I’m a sassy rainbow mama, the next i’ll dress a bit bohemian, then the next I might wear all black. It just depends on my mood! 

What has been the biggest highlight of your blogging career?
Probably winning two blog awards from Cosmopolitan magazine – best new fashion blog 2012 and best established fashion blog 2013! Being featured on homepages of my favourite brands – Urban Outfitters, Motel Rocks. Working with my favourite brands and labels.

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
At the moment it would have to be my ASOS patchwork fur coat. It’s soooo cosy and beautiful! And my ASOS black thigh high boots – they make every outfit look 10x sassier!

What trend will you be wearing this Spring/Summer?
This summer will be all about the hippie/boho vibes. Think flares, crochet, silver jewellery and lots of glitter!

What’s your favourite high street brand atm?
I don’t really shop in any high street shops often, I shop mostly second hand but ASOS is my all time fave. (OK its not high street but I literally never go “actual shopping”)

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
My friend Helena because she is the sassiest queen I have ever met!

What’s your favourite item by Skinnydip?
I’m in love with my fluffy phone case! It just sums me up

Any tips for starting a blog?
I would say always be yourself, because it’s so obvious when people are dressing just for blog pictures and aren’t staying true to their natural personal style. Find something that makes you unique and focus on that. For example, my blog started out as a thrifty blog purely for my charity shop finds, so I always try and include thrifted items in my outfits.


What is your most treasured possession?
I don’t own anything super expensive – so probably my memory box full of loads of little clippings and bits and bobs from my life!

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
The last person I followed was ccclarkebeauty (although I swear I was already following her a while ago!) – her make-up tutorials and tips are amazing!

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
I am loving Media Marmalade lately for a good read – Mel’s posts are so inspiring and she was one of the first bloggers I ever met!

What is your dream career?
Freelance fashion designer slash blogger slash YouTuber. Which is pretty much what I’m doing now, but it would be nice to be earning a killing from it one day!

Sassiest thing you have EVER said?!
Probably something like “you’re a beautiful, sassy, independent woman who don’t need no man. GIRL POWER” when one of my friends are feeling down.

If you were invisible for a day you would…
I really don’t know! Probably go and steal a car then go to Selfridges and steal loads of designer make-up and bags and put them all in my bedroom.



