OMG! It's blogger of the month time!! This month we chat to Heidi Petitjean, a 20 year old sass boots from Stratford Upon Avon. Livin' in the big city, Heidi expresses herself through her style in a fun and effortless way. Heidi who studied Handbag & Accessory Design at the London college of Fashion is setting up her own handbag brand called 'Heidi Petite' which sounds super exciting and has a Chihuahua puppy called Simba... could this girl be any cooler?!

Hi Heidi, how did you start your blog HP Days?
Long Story cut short….I can never decide what to wear!! …I use to write down lists of my outfits to remember the clothes I hadn’t worn yet, then I would put the list in my knicker draw so in the morning I would see the list and pick an #OOTD off it! …I decided to photograph the outfits I wore and make an online fashion diary for myself to look back on in the future...For the first 6 months I actually kept it private and no one knew I had it; It eventually turned into a blog and HpDays was born!

Describe your personal style.
Colourful but Classy?

What has been the biggest highlight of your blogging career?
Starting up the @ConfettiCrowd last month! -  Meeting my 4 amazing confetti blogging sisters and creating the Confetti Crowd Girl Gang!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
My Moschino Jeans!

What trend will you be wearing this Spring/Summer?
I want to start wearing more of my suits, I have one in nearly every colour!

What’s your favourite high street brand atm?
Maybe Zara? I Can always find something to sass up in there! 

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
Rihanna obviously!

What’s your favourite item by Skinnydip?
The Fluffy Monster Clutch!! ORR the fluffy ‘SASSY’ Phone case!

Style tip?
Be yourself, wear exactly what you want to wear. Who cares what people think! (P.s Never wear kitten heels.)

What is your most treasured possession?
Other than my Chihuahua…. My Art work!

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
@Kevinhart4real …His Stand up Comedy is literally the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
Apart from reading all the Confetti Girls blogs I think Kayla Hadlington has the best style! She’s a true blogger!

What is your dream career?

Sassiest thing you have EVER said?!
‘I’m the bitch your mother warned you about’ – Genuinely said this to a guy once! Hahaaha!

If you were invisible for a day you would…
Sneak into all the major record label offices and get loads of contacts to send my music too! Then maybe rob a bank……sneak on a plane…..head to Las Vegas….THROW A MASSIVE PARTY!!!

Wanna keep up with Heidi? Follow the links below!



